March 9, 2025
wedding preparation

A New Identity

After finding the Shepherd, the Country Girl no longer wants to wander aimlessly. She leaves the comfort zone of home. Ready for the next adventure, her mind is fixed on her Beloved Savior.

Her new reality is life with Christ in the heavenly realm where she will live and move and have her being. One day at a time for all eternity. The fire of the Holy Spirit burns within her while the smoke rises for all to see.

She surrendered her self-will to Christ, her former self dead. She is alive in Christ. A new creation. She bears the sweet aroma of the cross of His suffering, frankincense, and myrrh. Her identity exemplifies the Savior, sealed with the Holy Spirit.

Her heart is on fire with the passion for the King as his couch appears on the horizon.

The Wedding Day

This is the long-awaited wedding day when she will become one with the Lover of her soul. The Country Girl is prepared with her lamp, filled with oil and wick trimmed. And extra oil should her Lord take longer than expected. She lights her lamp in anticipation of her very own wedding of the century, beyond her wildest imagination.

She sees the couch and meditates on the meaning: Her Beloved’s victory over all principalities and powers of this present world.

The couch is flanked on each side by sixty magnificent warriors. All experts in spiritual warfare and adorned with God’s divine armor. Ready for every battle. As they come into view, she can see swords on their thighs ready to be drawn at the first threat of danger.

Then the royal palanquin arrives on the vista. Her heart thrills to the point of bursting. She knows all this is for her and her Beloved. Strong men carry the coach, reminiscent of the ark of the covenant carried by the children of Kohath.

The Palanquin is magnificent with silver inlay on the pillars, purposely used to depict redemption. The floor is gold, representing God the Father. Then all is covered with purple to exemplify the royalty of Christ her King.

Much to her surprise, she notes that her friends lovingly added lavish adornments to the interior. The beauty and each detail overwhelm her. She is overcome with joy and awe, unable to speak.

This is the exclusive place of intimacy where their love will be consummated. This is what the Lord intended all along. The place of total surrender to the one she loved.

The King Approaches

Then she sees the Mighty King in all his splendor. All her friends stand in awe.

His face radiates warmth and abject devotion for his bride. His mother crowns him, representing release of her son. A crown of gladness for his bride.

She gladly relinquished the security of things and all the comforts of her previous life. Fear of the future fades as she realizes she is letting go of her world and gaining Christ.

Previously she tried to fulfill all her own dreams and fix problems beyond her control. She only ended up complicating everything and making matters worse. For herself and others.

Once she feared all that she would lose if she surrendered her life to Christ. But now she knows he is the only one who can fulfill each need, fill every empty void and the inmost desires of her heart.

She wants only what he has for her. She trusts in his customized plans prepared for her. Even if it means a jungle habitat or staying on the farm the rest of her life. The future was a blank slate. She trusts the Lord whatever lies ahead.

She prays to God for an open heart to contain all that Her Beloved will offer and to savor every moment of this special day. All his unconditional love that took him to the cross so she could be free from the law of sin and death. A love so boundless it is deeper than the sea and higher than the heavens.

Spellbound by his majesty, power and glory, her mouth fills with unconscious praise. And all in attendance of the King’s throng join in the hymn of unending praise.

Scripture for Today

“I heard the sound of massed choirs, the sound of mighty rapids, the sound of strong thunder: Hallelujah! The Master reigns, our God, the Sovereign-Strong! Let us celebrate, let us rejoice, let us give him the glory! The Marriage of the Lamb has come; his Wife has made herself ready. She was given a bridal gown of bright and shining linen. The linen is the righteousness of the saints” (Revelation 1:9 MSG).

Prayer for You Today

Cherished Child of God,

May Christ fill your heart to overflowing. And may you be ready for the wedding feast of the lamb. Amen.

Meditation for Today

Ponder what it means to be the bride of Christ. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in this role.

Post-holiday blues

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

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