March 9, 2025

Are you familiar with the Song of Solomon? Most Christians are not. The Bible or choice of commentary used, will determine your understanding. But how to choose may be a difficult decision. Each Bible version has a different synopsis at the beginning as well as different divisions, and commentaries differ greatly.

Generally speaking, there are three main approaches to understanding this book. Most scholars agree that the Song of Solomon was indeed written by King Solomon. From a historical approach the book is a love poem. Some believe it is a collection of songs or a drama. Another approach is literal, which provides a basis for teaching on marriage and the physical relationship between the married couple. Then there is the allegorical approach that signifies God’s love relationship with the believer.

I personally prefer the allegorical approach. Many years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a women’s conference that used this approach. The teaching was life changing for me. I fell in love with Jesus, the Lover of My Soul.

My blog over the next few weeks will focus on selections of my own interpretations inspired by the Song of Solomon.

Your adventure awaits: Come, journey with the Shulamite Maiden…

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The Shulamite’s Holy Pursuit

            The Shulamite maiden is on a Godly pursuit. A most Holy quest for spiritual satisfaction in her inner being. She is acquainted with Jesus as the savior of her soul, initially drawn with by love and grace. But now she yearns for a deeper, more meaningful relationship. As she learns about his divine ways, her love for him grows. But something tells her the Kingdom of God is greater than salvation.

She knows God her Father wis the author and finisher of her faith. He stirs her softened heart toward His son. Her greatest desire is to see Jesus face to face. Overcome with infatuation, her passions are quickened and she kisses him on the mouth. She declares that his kisses are better than wine. She tastes his goodness and now nothing can compare.

His Fragrance

His sweet, Holy fragrance captivates her. She recognizes that he is the anointed one. The herbs of his burial linger in her nostrils. She remembers how Mary first anointed him with spikenard from her alabaster jar. Her entire life’s savings. Then the burial herbs from Nicodemus. Her heart is filled with awe at the extravagant cost of the precious ointment poured out for her in death. She recognizes his true sacrificial love. There is none like him.

The fragrant ointment embodies his omniscient power and all his name implies. The name that is above all names: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Jesus, Emanuel, God with us.

The Beloved’s Whisper

My Beloved, Come. Embrace me as I long to hold you in my everlasting presence. Kiss me with kisses of your mouth in your desire for greater intimacy with me.

My divine fragrance draws you, and fills your nostrils as it acquaints you with my anointing. Follow me, as only I can fulfill the desires of your longing heart. My heart is thrilled that you desire me as I desire you, my Beloved.

With all my heart, Jesus. Lover of Your Soul.

Payer for You Today

Christ’s Chosen One. May you be filled anew with the awe and mystery of salvation as you continue on your own personal pursuit of the one who loves your soul. Amen.

Scripture for Today

Solomon’s Love for the Shulamite Maiden

“The song of songs, which is Solomon’s.

The Shulamite: Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
For your love is better than wine.
Because of the fragrance of your good ointments,
Your name is ointment poured forth;
Therefore the virgins love you”
(Song of Solomon 1:1-3 NKJV).

Post-holiday blues

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

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