March 9, 2025
red apples on tree

Photo by Tom Swinnen on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

The Country Girl’s self-esteem soars after all of the Shepherd Kings compliments. She wakes in the morning with the joy of the Lord. Certainly, a new thing. She’s no longer moody and tossed about by all the drama that surrounds her daily she’s with friends.

Her shell of shame is cracked and she sees herself in a new light.

She joyfully declares to the Lord, her Shepherd King, “I am the rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.” She knows both flowers are wild and bloom in Judea. Her self-image reflects an awareness that although she is common, she is loved and nurtured by the God who created her and indeed planted his love in her heart.

The Shepherd King’s Whisper

My Beloved, you are an exquisite Lily among thorns. Continue to seek me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Seek me while you can find me. You, my beloved shine above your friends and the daughters of Jerusalem who pursue me. Life struggles distract them in their pursuit and they fall away in discouragement. But you, My Beloved set your heart on me alone. Come and sit under my apple tree.

white and red flowers beside leaves in bokeh photography
Photo by Pixabay on

The Shulamite Maiden sits in the shade of the apple tree. Of all the trees in the forest, the Shepherd King’s is the only one that bears fruit. She delights in his presence. He is like an apple tree that bears fine fruit. Unlike the tangle of trees that grow in the woods. “The Lord is Emmauel, God with me. You, My Beloved, are sweet to my taste.” He sustains her with righteousness and peace. She loves his bountiful provision. So much spiritual sustenance. He gives her tangible joy.

The Banqueting House

Then Shepherd King brings her to the banqueting house. Out of grace and boundless love, he shares all that he has with the . The exquisite experience in banqueting house and the divine provision are beyond expression. She is lovesick. Head over heals in love with the Shepherd King. Her intense emotions and overwhelming torrents of joy are beyond her human capacity to contain, she realizes she is spent physically and emotionally. His omniscient glory surrounds her and floods her spirit. He assists her in the containment of His grandeur within her overflowing heart of passion.

The Country Gal excalims,”Lord, this is all so lavish. Beyond my wildest dreams. Your provisions are only the best and I can see that you love me. I love your apples and you fill my heart with joy”

Scripture for Today

 “You have never seen Him but you love Him. You cannot see Him now but you are putting your trust in Him. And you have joy so great that words cannot tell about it” (1 Peter 1:8 NLT).

Prayer for You Today

Beloved of God, may you overflow with the joy of the Lord this day and everday as you live in His wonderful, lavish provision. Amen

Post-holiday blues

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