March 9, 2025

The Country Girl is miserable without her Beloved. She goes to bed early to escape the intense pain within her heart. How could I let Him go? He asked me to accompany Him on a new adventure and I refused. How could I do such a thing to myself and him, who loves me so.

Her imagination runs wild about the details of the adventure she missed. Where did he go? Is He still jumping like a stag in the high places? Did he go after a lost sheep in desperate need of rescue?

She is no longer content with her enclosure. She realizes the truth about the self-made paradise and feels a deep pang of regret. The porch void of the one she loves. Self-disgust mounts with the compulsive thought of life without her Jesus. She desires to escape her small world of self-absorption.

Fear of the High Places

Yet what if she had gone with Him? Her greatest fear is being left behind on the dangerous route. And she had never ventured beyond the farm or her serene enclosure. His endurance and strength were much greater than her own. He knew the High Places like no other.

Her internal argument continues. What makes me think I can take time to leave when the vineyards need pruning? And our sheep need tending. My brothers will never approve of any adventures with the Shepherd King. Self-doubt in her pursuit of the Beloved rose, this is all ridiculous. Infatuation, feelings, and thoughts of the Beloved consume me. His promises may never happen.

Her rest is no longer secure and safe in her Beloved. Her peace is gone. She tosses and turns in bitter unrest. Sleep evades her in the late hours.

In the Early Morning

before light, the torment of his absence moves her beyond a complacent comfort zone. She abruptly climbs out of bed with a new determination to search for her Beloved. Suddenly caution and concern of what others may think of her reckless behavior is now silenced by the thought of finding Him.

She determines once again to seek him with all her soul, mind, and strength. Nothing could stop her. Her life meant nothing without Him.

The Country Girl searches in all the familiar places. Maybe He’s under the apple tree? Maybe he’s in the winehouse? But He was not in either place. A thought occurred to her “Maybe the time of blessings is over? But He must have more for me. Perhaps something different? But what?

She enters the dangerous inner city far beyond the farm and all the comforts of home. She looks in the big churches and all the known religious hangouts. But he was absent, nowhere to be found. 

Then she encounters the superintendents who protect the city. “Do you know where my Beloved is? Have you seen Him?”

Just as they answered “No”, she knew she was on her own. No one could help her find Him. The search of the soul concerning light and truth is a solitary journey. Each person is required to work out his own salvation with fear and trembling.

Finally, her search ends. Relieved, she finds the one who her soul desires. As she embraces the Beloved, she knows she can never let him go again. No matter what, she resolves to follow him regardless of the cost. Even if he calls her to go to a foreign country deep in the jungle or to remain single the rest of her life.

In the countenance of His divine light, her eyes open to see more of His goodness, far beyond His blessings. Finally, she understands he wants her whole heart. And instinctively she trusts Him with all her being.

She Opens Her Heart

This time things will be different. She opens her heart to Him. She invites him into her home and shares all her secrets.

Conviction pierces her vulnerable heart, and she sees the sin that separated her from the Beloved. She realizes the necessity to relinquish self-will and conform to His image.

Introspection reveals the bitterness of heart toward her brothers. And the wall of deception. And the failure to take care of her own responsibilities. Even the fear she felt when she failed to follow the Beloved when He asked. Fear masked disobedience. Then there was the jealousy she held for her friends with better gifts.

“My Lord, I pray you forgive me for my wrongs in all these instances. But please help to make the changes needed to make amends to my brothers and find the courage to be honest with them about no longer tending their vineyards. I fear their anger. And I have done all this for so long, I really do not know how to do it differently. I feel lost and vulnerable. And I am jealous of my sweet friends. Please help me to encourage them instead of fearing they are better or comparing myself with them.”

The Lord’s Whisper

My Beloved, you are precious in my sight. The apple of my eye. You my dove have my forgiveness. I remember your sins no more. You are clothed in my righteousness, white as the snow. Your beauty is radiant with my likeness and light. Come my Beloved, let me hold you close. Follow me. In my presence is fullness of joy and in my right hand are pleasures forever more. Trust me with all your heart and cast all your cares on me. As you continue with me and learn to abide in me, I will show you the path of life and together we will make necessary changes. Let go of all fear because I have overcome the world. Do not trust in your own wisdom or understanding but seek me in all you do, and I will show you the way.

Lovingly, Your Beloved

The Lord warns other followers and friends, “Allow the Country Girl to rest in her vulnerable state. Her time of testing has weakened her. Do not stir up or awaken my Beloved until she’s stronger.”

Scripture for Today

‘“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool” (Isaiah 1:18 NLT).

‘But seek aim at and strive after first of all His kingdom and His righteousness His way of doing and being right, and then all these things taken together will be given you besides” (Matthey 6:33 AMPC).

Prayer for You Today

Beloved Child of God. May you receive God’s complete forgiveness for any wrongdoing in this life as you ask for this boundless grace he provides right now. May you experience a closer walk with Jesus, the Lover of Your Soul. Amen.

Post-holiday blues

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

Need a new devotional? Get my Finding Delight in the Vineyard: Cling to the True Vine. A Devotional on John 15.

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