March 9, 2025
flowers in vase on chair

Photo by Jill Wellington on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

The Bridegroom Whispers: My Beloved, my heart is quickened by your beauty inside and out. Additionally, your dove’s eyes sparkle behind your veil focused on me alone. I find delight in you alone.

Your hair flows like a waterfall. Much like the expensive goats on the distant hillside. A picture to behold. And your radiant white smile is lovely.

Your neck is strong like a fortress, thereby able to discern my will and keep keen focus on me.

Your shapely breasts are mature, and likewise enable you to feed and nourish others on their own divine journey with me.

The Bride

blushes beneath her veil. Everyone knew that the goats were exclusive to Gilead, the meeting place of God. And the special goats made ready, washed for sacrifice on the Day of Atonement for the nation of Israel. The elite specimens are healthy, strong, and fertile—all the ewes bear twins.

He compliments the self-care of her teeth—Strong to eat the meat contained in the Word of God. The comparison is the ultimate compliment that she too will bear fruit to the King’s glory.

Your scarlet lips are lovely and your temples like luscious pomegranates. Similarly, your mind is shielded by a thousand watchmen.

Evidence abounds that His Beloved Country Girl has grown spiritually. She experienced a cleansing of her mouth like Isaiah when the seraphim touched his unclean lips with a live coal from the heavenly altar. And her lips are like crimson red, reminiscent of the cord Rahab the harlot used to save the spies and ultimately her family during Jerico’s demise. The scarlet thread symbolizes the precious blood of Christ.

He discerns the seat of her intellect, encased in her pretty temples, to exemplify the mind of Christ. Guided by his purpose and truth. All thought life brought captive to the obedience of her Beloved and able to skillfully argue against all that exalts itself against God’s divine knowledge of all. And pomegranates speak of her passion for her Beloved.

The scent of your perfume is intoxicating. Frankincense and myrrh are mine. You exemplify my death on the cross in the surrender of your will. Your identity is in Me, my Beloved, as you crucified your flesh to become my bride. One with me.

You are clothed in beautiful white linen without spot or blemish. Clothed and hidden with Me in God, boasting of the Kings righteousness.

Bride of my Heart

come with me to Mount Hermon and Senir that overlooks the beautiful valley vistas. And to the precipice Amama where all my promises are yes and amen. We will ascend the peaks together and battle the fierce lion and leopards. In my power and might we are triumphant.

In addition, you ravish me—with your inner beauty, and those refined garments and just one link of your necklace carefully placed by the Holy Spirit for my precious, redeemed bride.

You are my espoused, yet I am closer than a brother.

Your love is sweeter than wine. Your words taste like the honeycomb from the Promised Land, rich with milk and honey. And your garments clean and white as the driven snow.

You are a Locked, Lush Garden

the bridegrooms delight
Photo by Michaela St on

I alone possess the key to your heart. Living waters and my fountain spring forth within your paradise. You My Beloved are a blooming garden. Your heavenly scent fills the air, and your orchard produces sweet succulent fruit.

My bride exemplifies redemption through pomegranates of devoted love, henna flowers in bloom show mercy. I smell the sweet spikenard as you walk in my light as I am the Light. And the divine scent of saffron from the crocus fills my nostrils. Calamus reveals my redemption, and mingles with cinnamon, holy to me. And the fragrance of myrrh and frankincense drip from the cross of Christ. Then aloe, a healing balm for those in need. Indeed, a paradise garden.

The Country Girl Bride

“My Beloved Savior and King. I am yours and you are mine. My garden and all that lies within are for you and your glory. The north wind blows to make ready the dormant crop. The cold winds blow upon the earth. Yet the warm, south wind brings comfort from the Holy Spirit. Come what may, your will be done in my life on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.”

Her strength and reinforcement come from God’s rich glory that transforms her being and personality. Therefore, Christ dwells in her heart—his permanent home. She witnesses a glimpse of his boundless love for her. Infinite measures from east to west and beyond the atmosphere. She is becoming wholly filled and flooded with Christ himself for his glory.

Scripture for Today

“For my determined purpose is that I may know Him that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection which it exerts over believers, and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death, in the hope that if possible I may attain to the spiritual and moral resurrection that lifts me out from among the dead even while in the body” (Philippians 3 10-11 AMPC).

Prayer for You Today

Beloved Child of the Most High God, may become more and more acquainted with and transformed into the likeness of him who loves your soul. Amen.

Meditation for Today

In what ways has Christ transformed you? Ponder the Scripture for Today.

Post-holiday blues

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

John 15 is the New Testament reflection of the Song of Songs. Get my devotional,

Fining Delight in the Vineyard,

and abide with the Lover of your soul.

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