March 9, 2025

Stop and smell the roses. Often that is a deliberate effort. So much of my attitude depends on what my mind is focused on. I can get so busy and focused on my problems that I don’t even see the rose garden I’m standing in, much less smell the roses.  Smelling the roses requires that I intentionally focus my attention in the present, on what is good.

While I am enjoying morning coffee on the porch, I can do the same thing. I can focus on the all weeds  that need to be plucked out of my flower beds or I can focus on the beautiful blooms.  Hopefully I haven’t let the weeds take control. Then again, weeds are a thought for another day.  Getting back to focus…off the weeds and onto the blooms.

Focus takes an effort. There is always the distraction of a weed as I take my morning garden tour to see what flower variety has begun to bloom or the progress of seeds planted. Smelling the roses!  Now that is a deliberate effort. Smelling the roses requires that I stop, see the beautiful rose, then smell the wonderful fragrance. As I keep my focus on the beauty of my garden, problems fall away. There will be time to pull those weeds! As I focus on my flowers, I get to enjoy the darting humming birds, the dragonfly, and the bees as they hunt for nectar.

Bible Verse

Focus on the Good:  Phil 4:8

Yes, sometimes focusing on the good does take an effort! There is always good! God is good. If I’m having a difficult time focusing on the good, I can do a gratitude list and think of ten things I’m grateful for. By the time I have finished my list, my focus has usually improved, allowing me to be in the present. Then I can focus on the beauty of my garden, and God’s goodness in my life.

Today’s Glory

Come to me my beloved, in the garden of my Presence!  Cast each care onto me. Trust all outcomes of all your problems to me. Enter into my presence: My peace, joy and love. Be still and know that I am God, and that I love you boundlessly. I know the plans I have for you, plans for a future and a hope!

Today’s Prayer

Father, help us to focus on you, your goodness, and the many blessings you have given us this day.  Help each one of us to slow down and smell the roses, and notice the goodness you have provided. Thank you and praise you for all of your benefits toward us!