My current creative break
Do you need a “creativity break”?
I certainly do. Sometimes life issues get in the way of progress on the journey. Some of the best advice I cling to is: you can start your day over at any time. That means if my day goes south, I can push the restart button and try again.
Most of the time I don’t have much control over the negative circumstances of life. But frustration and irritability don’t get me very far.
Today, an especially untoward circumstance calls for a creative break. That means I choose to put the issue on a back burner and do something creative in order to take my mind off the bad occurrence. I’ll take Scarlet O’Hara’s advice and deal with it tomorrow. (Now you have to see Gone with the Wind).
After some time the frustration will subside.
My Creativity Break…

My current creative break consists of making a t-shirt quilt out of my all-time favorites. The trauma of cutting up perfectly good, comfy, old favorite shirts has subsided (maybe). The treasured shirts were gifted to me by my oldest son in the navy over the last 17 years.
Now the task is to put them together in a new functional favorite. A blanket of shirts depicting the aircraft carriers of the Eisenhower, the Ike, and some that herald his advancement to chief petty officer.
The big question now is What will I wear? Looks like my son needs to send me some new shirts. 😊
Another self-care tactic may be to get some exercise or work out. Always a good remedy for frustration or disappointment.
Another approach I tried today was to pray about it. Then I need to let go, let God and see what happens before I take another stab at the problem before me.
How do you deal with those unsummoned setbacks?
Scripture for Today
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Philippians 4:6 NLT).
Just to let you know, my prayer worked. Everything worked out for the best.

Shameless promotion Finding Delight in the Vineyard, A Christian Devotional
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