Change is all around. Daily. The lovely change evident on my daily garden tour. My assessment includes beautiful blossoms and anticipation of buds ready to unfold. Opps, there’s a weed that needs to be pulled.
COVID 19 has certainly ushered in change. First isolation from others for safety. Yet now able to socialize and the emotional barrage affecting many. One person mentioned such feelings reentering social gatherings. While get togethers sound good, is there some grief involved? Perhaps the quiet, insulating isolation provided a comfort and protection.
Certainly my own world is full daunting change. Back surgery in February and three months of recovery. Thankfully all successful. And time to write, get together with friends and tend my garden.
But now the time has come to return to work. Surprised at my reaction, I just wasn’t ready. What about my writing? No more get togethers. Life as I knew it was ending.
Add to that apprehension and self-doubt. How will I do after surgery? What changes will I face at work. I need to be responsible once again. The fast pace of life will return.
But the day came. God was faithful once again. He answered the prayers my friends prayed for me and met me in my moment of need.
Greetings at work included warm hugs and hearty welcomes on my return. My day unfolded smoothly as I carried out familiar duties. The joy of nursing and caring for others resurfaced and I remembered why I became a nurse.
Praise God. He meets us where we are in daily changes often filled with apprehension, fear and loss. He will make a way when there seems to be no way. Hallelujah.
What challenging change are you facing. Prayers that God will meet you as well.
Father, we come to you today asking for you healing, peace and guidance. We ask that you would heal those with health problems, and caregivers facing daily challenges. Our world is filled with changes from COVID 19. We ask that you would be with us and guide us as we navigate those changes. Be with those who are facing life-changing events. Guide them with your mighty right hand and provide the peace that passes all understanding. Amen
“Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Matthew 6:34 KJV).
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men,” (Colossians 3:22 KJV).

© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved
Other publications: Coping Skills for Caregivers
I’m so glad He meets us where we are. We’re blessed. Lovely post.
Yes, Gail. He is faithful.