March 9, 2025

Remember the song by Jackie Deshanon, What the World Needs Now is Love ? How about a love revolution in America? Renewed love and respect for law, liberty and justice for all.

America the Beautiful

We need a love revolution for America the Beautiful. Founded on freedoms expanded throughout her history. Greater love at home in regard to family. Parents turning hearts toward precious children. And husbands and wives loving one another with stick-to-itiveness, overcoming those hurdles that confront every marriage.

Everywhere we look we see our made in American values crumbling. Statues crumbling and being brought down by individuals who have lost respect for history and the individuals who have brought us where we are today. History is a time line continuum of learning, teaching and sometimes fighting for justice and liberty for all. Our American history bought and paid for by lives of countess individuals who stand out as heroes of their time. 

America has a unique historical legacy of freedom. May those who protest understand core values that have brought us where we are today. Values that can take us forward into the next generation with broader meaning and purpose.

Yes, that love revolution must be captured once again. Love of country and freedom that made our founding fathers sacrifice life and fortunes for the common good and idea of democracy. A love revolution that made individuals seek religious freedom on America’s shores. Patriotism.

A love revolution rooted deep in God’s love. Love so amazing and so divine that it demands my life my soul my all! The love of Christ shed abroad for all of mankind. A freedom purchased through His precious blood on the cross. Manifested in the heart, mind and fruit of each follower.

Yes. A radical love revolution that begins at the foot of the cross, as each follower dies to self so that Christ might live within and ultimately bearing fruit. May we take up our cross and begin the love revolution.

Scriptures for Today

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 KJ21).

Hereby we perceive the love of God: because He laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” ( 1 John 3:16 KJ21).

Prayer for Today

Father, we come before you today with concerns for our great nation. Please bless those who hold public office with wisdom, strength, and grace. We pray for this nation asking that you would protect her from all who seek to destroy it and the freedoms we now enjoy. Bring revival to each heart. Our hearts cry out for a love revolution, Lord, and let it begin with me. Let each generation to seek you and for revival to sweep this nation. We are dependent on you Lord and can do nothing apart from. We cry to you in our hour of unrest and need. God bless America. Hear our prayer, Oh Lord.