March 9, 2025

Workshops and Women’s Retreats

Nanette incorporates audience inclusion when she speaks, enhancing participant learning while maximizing mindful engagement. Presentations are well researched and include PowerPoints if needed, and colorful handouts to assist in listener retention.

Writing Workshops

  • Jumping Hurdles to Writing Success
  • Coping Skills for Caregivers
  • What About Advertising? Can Amazon Advertising Benefit You?
  • Writing your memoir

Women’s Retreats

Finding Delight in the Vineyard

This presentation is taken from her devotional: Finding Delight in the Vineyard, based on John 15. Nanette’s experience in viticulture (cultivation of grapes) provides keen insight into the concepts Christ used concerning abiding in the vine.

Song of Songs

This presentation is a Bible study based on the Song of Solomon. The perspective used for this study is Christ’s love and relationship to the believer. Nanette’s hope and prayer is that Christ will sweep each participant off of their feet as they fall deeper in love with the Lover of their soul.

wedding preparation

The Pursuit of Mental, Spiritual and Physical Wellness

Wellness is a health continuum that requires attention to details as we strive for better health. Working together with God concerning His plan for wholeness is a lifelong journey. Emotional and spiritual health are also explored in depth and ways you may not expect.

low angle photography gray sky

silhouette image of person praying

Psalm 18: The Power of Prayer, Praise and Gratitude

Psalm 18 is power packed Psalm. David takes the reader through adoration of God the Father, then shares his desperate cries for help to the God who hears his every plea. God’s protection brings him through difficult waters and helps him with his strong enemies. And the journey continues through delivery and a quiet place. David praises God and his heart is filled with gratitude as God gives him great deliverances and triumphs.

Certainly something we all need.

Contact me for more information. Let’s plan your event.