Bible Verse Genesis 8:22 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
22 “While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”
Ugh. I have the winter blahs. I haven’t seen the sun in what seems like two months. The cold is colder than I want it to be. The wind makes the already frigid temperatures plummet all the more. The wind cuts through my winter wardrobe much more than I think it should. The winter cold has just begun and spring seems far away.
I’m surprised by a reminder that winter will not last indefinitely. In the perimeter of the yard are daffodils coming up through the frozen ground. A lone yellow daffodil is actually beginning to open, defying winter. The hardy flowers have not succumbed to the bitter cold as I imagine
My husband and I are braving the cold as well, cutting wood in our thick coveralls, coats and boots. As we load brush onto the trailer, I see the buds on the branches swelling in preparation for spring and the promise of new life. The bud swell is yet another reminder that spring will arrive in due time.
Necessary “Chill Hours”
Oddly enough, peaches and other fruit crops require a certain number of “cold hours” in order to blossom the next spring and produce fruit. Chill hours create dormancy. The number of chill hours are dependent on the variety of fruit that will be produced. Bulbs are the same way. Daffodils and tulips require 12 to 16 weeks of cold temperatures. What a miracle. God always a plan in dormant, slumberous seasons.
Perhaps the winter dormant season could be a time of rest for those of us who are busy with our day to day schedule. Sitting by the warmth of a cozy fire and relaxing the mind and body may provide a dose of serenity necessary our for well being. A season of rest is good for the soul in preparation for whatever fruit bearing God has planned for us in the days ahead.