March 9, 2025
tornado destrution

Where is the beauty of the garden? At times the beauty seems to get lost. Catastrophic weather events can devastate the beauty we normally enjoy. Storms seem to arise out of nowhere. Too much rain resulting in flooding, tornadoes, severe drought, or hurricanes can leave the landscape in ruin.

The aftermath of such destruction is nothing short of devastation. We cannot control the weather or the ill effects that result. When the garden is not so beautiful, we may lose hope. Our faith may be tested beyond our human understanding. We may wonder where God is, and if He even cares.

But thankfully God is there. We can turn to Him. In all reality, He is the only place to turn. God promises to care for us and never leave us nor forsake us. He knows where we should turn next.

We must let go of our futile attempt to control the storm that rages outside, or the horrible situation life brings. We can then turn to God and ask for help. The next miracle may be closer than we think.

I’m so grateful God has time in whatever storm rages. Let’s hide in the shadow of His mighty wing as we forge through the wreckage. Thankfully, He meets us right where we are no matter where that may be.

Bible Verse

Psalm 34:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Today’s Glory

My beloved, Come to the Garden of My Presence. Rest in My love as you search for relief from the surrounding storms. I am here. My power, love and might are with you in the devastation of the storm and the devastating aftermath of destruction. I alone can save you in the storm and give you peace. Rest in me and know that I Am. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Release your fear and dread of what is and what lies ahead. My grace and power is sufficient for the day.

© 2019, Nanette M. Holloway, All Rights Reserved

4 thoughts on “Where is Beauty of the Garden?

    1. Thank you Steve! I’m so glad you liked it! Have a great day in the garden!

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