March 9, 2025

Where are you going in the New Year?

Where are you headed in 2022?
photo by Patrick Fore via unsplash

The new year with all uncertainty, or opportunity lies ahead.

Uncertainly gives rise to fear, opportunity hope. Or what about a fresh start in and old environment?

We all need hope in the world of COVID. Change and uncertainty abound as the virus evolves. New symptoms and rising infection rates complicate plans from travel to daily work habits.

While there’s not much we can do about COVID, we can resolve to go God’s way in 2022.

God’s way requires cooperation. But surrender to God’s will can be a struggle. If you are like me, self will is deceivingly good if not down right inviting. But often contrary to God’s plan. The bunny trail may not be a good idea after all.

Too much on an already full plate?

Does the focus need to narrow? If so perhaps a surrender to all those good things on that heaping plate may help. Too much of a good thing creates a too busy lifestyle. Doing a better job with the most important items could benefit all concerned. Especially self, with greater inner peace.

Is God nudging in a new direction?

Exciting yet frightful. Explore the path with God’s help and guidance. Take one step, one day at a time. Trust Him with all your heart and let go and let Him.

Or is current life the status quo? Does life seem mundane?

Sometimes we need a reminder of why we do what we do. If so, ask God to renew your spirit, commitment and joy in the everyday routine. His joy is our strength.

Recently I was out of ideas and direction for writing. Questioning God, I asked “Do you still want me to go in this direction? Are you still using this tool?”

Depression surrounding the issue was a threat. I thought, “Perhaps this season is over.” But I kept praying for guidance.

One morning during my quiet time in a chapter of Romans, came several new prompts for blogs and possibly a new book. The depression lifted replaced by new inspiration and creativity.

I am so grateful. God is good!

Prayer for 2022


Help us to choose and surrender to your will and your way for us in 2022. Renew our strength, mind and purpose for the path ahead. Help those who are discouraged, discontented or in need of direction seek you and find you in the time of need. Refresh those who are tired and weary with a breath of life and joy from your throne. Amen.

Scripture for Today

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless” (1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT.)

God’s Whisper

Arise, shine My Beloved. Not in your own strength, but in mine. I provide an endless flow of refreshing water for your soul. Drink deeply My Beloved. Surrender my will, which never disappoints. Find fulfilment, direction and joy for the year ahead.

Love, The Father

© 2022 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

Are you ready to start that book you have always wanted to write? Get some encouragement from Jumping Skills to Writing Success.