September 20, 2024

Psalm 51: 9-12
9 Hide Thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.11 Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy holy Spirit from me.12 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and uphold me with Thy free Spirit.

As I went for my normal morning garden tour, with coffee mug in hand, my eyes were drawn to all the weeds that had popped up in my garden. The weeds had overgrown my beautiful flowers. How could I have let the weeds get so out of hand? I have all the normal excuses: too busy, too hot, work and a myriad of other distractions and tasks that were obviously more important.
These weeds have all of my attention and I can’t tolerate them anymore! As I start on my weeding project I am compelled to finish it, no matter how unpleasant. The damp soil from a recent rain assists me in extracting all this unwanted growth.
Weeding always brings my attention to spiritual matters: ugh…the overgrowth of strongholds in my life, or character defects that I have neglected and have overshadowed any good growth, or fruit in my life. The same reasons for neglect in my garden apply to my spirit as well. If only I had brought the issues to the cross sooner, these stressors would snot have gotten so overwhelming. The overgrowth of whatever negative force I have allowed in my thought life, or life has become a monumental task of gargantuan proportions. Yes, Lord, I cry out to you for your help!
Maybe I have been working too much, and have not been able to care for myself as I usually do. Maybe I have allowed some bad habits to slip by. Have I allowed denial to hide the unpleasant issues I may not be ready to face?

Self-care, such as eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising can go a long way in helping keep my attitude. Otherwise I get so busy going full steam ahead with whatever is on my plate, that I don’t even notice the weeds which have obscured the spiritual growth and fruit God would have me to bear. Have I become impatient with those around me, or has my tone become harsh? Maybe a little. Maybe negative thoughts have led to negative emotions.  I also know that if I am criticizing myself, I may also be criticizing others. Criticism of myself and others has no positive effect. Maybe I am just overwhelmed!

Prayer  Lord, I need you to once again renew a right spirit with in me. My focus has gotten off of you and Your goodness. Change in me the things which have gotten out of my control. Please change me into Your likeness. Forgive me for my shortcomings, and attitudes which are unpleasing in your sight. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Overwhelmed

  1. Sometimes even God’s work can become overwhelming and we miss the sweetest of serving that the Holy Spirit offers us.

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