March 9, 2025

Photo by Eugene-TrigubaI

I love a good thunderstorm in the drought of summery heat! Thunderstorms are awe-inspiring, getting our full attention! The thunderstorm is almighty God’s answer to the earth’s cry for refreshment, relieving the parched, dry grass that crunches underfoot, and flower blossoms faded under the sun’s heat.

The really good thunderstorms have thunder and lightning that send cracks through the atmosphere that startle to the pending threat. The storm now has theatrics and excitement. God has responded to the earth’s desperate need as only He can, demonstrating His power and might simultaneously!

I also love Psalm 18, in which God provides a perfect storm in response to David’s cry for help from enemies which were too strong for him. David wrote this Psalm after God had delivered Him from Saul’s relentless pursuit for his life, as well as other enemies. God’s thunderous answer demonstrates His power and might as well as His faithfulness in answering prayer.

There are times when we all wonder if God hears our cries for help. There are times when the crisis is so overwhelming that it does seem like certain destruction is upon us. Sometimes fear and insecurities can overwhelm us. Perhaps we have made a mountain out of a molehill and lost perspective on a problem.

Psalm 18 is a reminder that God does indeed hear our cries for help. Whatever our “enemy” is, God knows and He is greater. God will, if need be, send thunder and lightning on our behalf. When circumstances get bad, then take a turn for worse we can be reminded that God is in control.

David gives us a very graphic visual as God demonstrates His ability to defeat all of our enemies. We can’t forget that God did not deliver David overnight, but over several years. God used this time of testing to strengthen David for his role as King. Like David, God teaches us to defeat out enemies in the in our daily challenges, trials and crisis. Victory is ultimately ours as we trust God to answer our prayers and learn to stand firm in our faith in Him.

Today’s Garden Glory
My Beloved, I do hear your every cry for help! I AM answering every prayer! Do not doubt. Keep your gaze fixed on me when the stress of the day rises, threatening your peace and serenity. In that moment, surrender to me! I am your keeper. In times when you do not know how to fight or respond hold fast to me, in the briefest millisecond. I will teach your hands to battle , but you must first surrender. I will gird you with strength with my mighty right hand. I will direct your steps. I will cause your lamp to be lighted and to shine, my Beloved. Only trust me with each circumstance beyond your control. I am GIVING you strength in your weakness. I am strengthening you for your dangerous heights of testing and trouble. I am your stay and support! Trust me with abject abandon!


Father, thank you and praise you for hearing every cry for help! Thank you for your faithfulness.  Help me to surrender to your will, and to trust that you are perfecting all that concerns me! Amen

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