March 9, 2025
A picture of unity

Photo by Adele Paymnan via unsplash

The vineyard is a picture of unity. Each vine and branch leaning on a sturdy trellis for necessary support. Each branch receiving nourishment from the vine for the pending harvest to the glory of God. The vinedresser tenderly nurturing each vine and branch as they prepare for the developing crop.

The vineyard is uniform. Each branch equal to the others. All beloved by the Father, held and supported by the True Vine, touched by the Holy Spirit breeze.

Unison is void of competition. Each spur focuses on direct contact and communion with the True Vine. The viticulturist manages and performs what is best for each branch.

The branches respond in peace and joy through the seasons of dormancy, growth and harvest.

As the vineyard produces a bounty through many boughs, so the church functions as a community of souls. All worshiping and serving God concurrent in one heart, soul and mind.

Each independent, yet one body in Christ.

A nice ideal for the church.

Scripture for Today

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace (Ephesians 4:3).

God’s Whisper

My Beloved, abide in unison alongside other saved souls to my glory. My children, each precious in my sight. Labor together in one spirit to reach those who are lost and hurting in a world of darkness.

Come my Beloved and abide in harmony as I orchestrate the coming harvest. Many are in need of my touch. Each functions in divine purpose, working together to fulfill my will on earth as it is in heaven.

Prayer for You Today

Loved One,

 May you abide in the Lord and find his grace and mercy today. I pray for sweet communion within your church congregation. As part of the body of Christ may you find supportive and loving relationships among brothers and sisters in Christ. May you find refuge and strength within the church body. A place for you to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lover of your soul. I pray that your service would be nurtured and your fruit multiplied as reaches those in need. Amen

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