March 9, 2025
Sleep is a priority for the caregiver

The priority of sleep for the caregiver may be difficult to attain. Care-giving is chaotic at times. The caregiver frazzled and fatigued. The body tired, the mind weary, yet unable to shut down from worries or what if’s that may occur during some desperately needed shut eye.

Needs of the loved ones we care for are varied. Thankfully my dad was a good sleeper. He went to bed early, and got up early. I adjusted my schedule to his. Early to bed, earlier to rise. I squeezed in a quiet time with the Lord, and had some family time with my children. By this time he was ready for his day.

Not only was he a good sleeper, but he had his own living quarters that were close to my house. This made my sleep easier. Shutting down my mind was more difficult. I checked on him before his bed time, then compulsively made sure his light was out. That meant all was fine. Then a quick check in the morning to see if his light was on. Another good sign.

Suggestions to Promote Sweet Slumber

  • Bypass the nap. Unless of course your situation dictates one. If needed opt for a 20 minute power nap.
  • Limit caffeinated beverages. Coffee in the morning. Taper off by noon.
  • Dodge those late night meals and snacks. Calories provide energy not needed while we sleep.
  • Steer clear of screen light before bed. Yes, that includes phones, computers and tablets.
  • Clear your mind of anything that may be pending for your loved one. Let go and let God. Leave them in the capable hands of God for the night.

Of course we all know that fatigue leads to impatience, grumpiness and a poor attitude. Your loved one deserves your best. The hope and goal is a good night’s sleep. Then you can rise refreshed and ready to start a new day of care giving.

Proverbs 3:24 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

© 2019, Nanette M. Holloway, All Rights Reserved