January 22, 2025

The priority of prayer for the caregiver is more than a nice idea. At least it was for me. Facing the death of my 90 year old dad at age 40 was a daunting reality. I was also home schooling my two boys.

Most of my friends still had grandparents living and were unable to relate with my situation, though they tried. My husband was always willing to help and did his best to lighten the heavy load.

Prayer as a Priority

But God alone knew my need. As I muddled through my care giving season God met me each morning and provided hope, joy, strength and grace. At the end of my exhausting day I fell into bed. My dependence on God as my strength in the endless storm sustained me.

Daily I entered into His all-consuming presence that felt like a euphoric wave of peace, joy and love. The wave washed over me and lingered. I lost connection with the world around me. All tension left my body and my whole being relaxed. All worries gone.

By the end of my devotion my heart was filled with worship for God. His desire for was for me to enter into His presence, come to Him, know Him, and require Him. I was refreshed,and hopeful. Ready to face the day.


Almighty God, as caregivers we come to you with heavy hearts and fatigue. Fill us with your all-consuming love, peace and joy in our care-giving journey. Give each caregiver the courage, strength and grace needed for each day. Help us to make prayer a priority. Amen

Today’s Glory

As your come to the garden of My Presence, bankrupted and empty know that I understand. You have no strength for your journey. Know that I AM your strength. You have no joy for your journey. Know that I AM your joy. Lift up your hands in praise. For what is and what lies ahead.

You do not know which task to pursue and which to lay down. I will make straight your path. Take one step at a time. I AM the lamp unto your feet and the light unto your path.

I AM your refreshment and your portion. Let your cup to filled to overflowing. I AM the Living Water you desire to drink . Drink in refreshment and life. Let Me quench your thirst.

Cast all of your cares on Me for I care for you. Do not be tempted to pick them up again. You are powerless to change them. I AM. I can take care of all of your needs and orchestrate what needs to be done in each instance. Come to the Garden of my presence. Rest in Me. Lay down your will and pray that My will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Then believe. Love, The Father

© 2019, Nanette M. Holloway, All Rights Reserved