March 9, 2025

The power of inclusion in the workplace is essential for optimal function. The tribe benefits when each individual is embraced and accepted.

The Power of Inclusion
Photo by Timon Studler via unsplash

Each person brings special qualities to the table. And yes, weaknesses. Each is a unique mix of aptitudes, education, capacities and gifts.

But the power of inclusion boosts those with weaknesses to muster the strength to reach higher and go further.

Inclusion provides a welcome home feeling. Essential warm fuzzies. A safe place to grow, learn and even make mistakes. And hopefully reach full potential.

Feelings of belonging are important throughout life. From birth until death. At home, in school, church and work.

Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

On the lower level of the pyramid are basic physiological needs. Such as air, water, food. The next level is safety: shelter, employment, law enforcement. Next is love and belonging. That’s where inclusion begins. An environment of trust and acceptance contributes to a sense belonging. When individuals feel safe, they perform better. They become positive contributors to the tribe, or whole. Nurses and the work environment, including teamwork flourish. Patients benefit.

 All that professional and personal experience along with education and personality traits enrich the tribe. Individuals and the work environment benefit.

When we belong to the tribe, feelings of value and esteem grow. Confidence grows, job performance is enhanced, services are improved.

Exclusion, the opposite end of the spectrum breeds feelings of fear, discontent, avoidance and isolation. Certainly, we have all felt rejection in places of employment. Rejection causes people to shut down, retreat, rush to get the job done, and get home. Nothing extra. Fulfilment and job satisfaction lack.

Got inclusion? I certainly hope so.

Scripture for Today

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love” (Ephesians 4:16 NLT).


Get my poignant memoir of my dads last year of life:

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

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