March 10, 2025

Humor is a powerful tool. Laughter lightens the load of a stressful day or a complicated situation. Momentary entertainment of a well-timed quip can divert irritability and frustration in a tense moment.

How about the boring weekly meeting at work? Gifted leaders understand and use comic relief to keep listeners engaged. Yes, humor has the power to make the dull tolerable.

In the weighty profession of nursing we certainly need to laugh. My previous approach to keeping things professional and serious has been challenged by current coworkers. Thankfully they are a fun loving group.

Instead of a dreaded meeting, the lighthearted group brings laughter to the conference room. Do we still get the work done? Yes.

Laughter is a unifying element. Sharing a laugh scatters tension. When we skip meetings I may not miss the meeting, but I do miss meeting with my coworkers.

My approach to nursing is still serious and professional. But now I am learning to laugh and bring my sense of humor to the table.

Unfortunately our merry meetings have changed returning to a strictly business approach. Laughter seem impermissible and makes me want to laugh even more. Hopefully I can keep my humor concealed.

Benfits of Humor at Work

Humor is a gift that brings balance into the tense equation of life. Cultivating a culture of joy and laughter has benefits for the workplace. The takeaway for a good laugh at work includes increased productivity, job satisfaction, group cohesion, increase in learning and retention of information.

God knows the benefits of laughter. He created us to see and use humor to tolerate the day in and day out routine.

Scripture of the Day

A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
” (Proverbs 12:22 AMP)

Are you using humor in your life?

© 2019 Nanette M. Holloway – All Rights Reserved

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