Nanette in the Police Package
Recently I drove my son’s 2002 Crown Victoria. Thankfully he loaned it to us after I hit a deer with my car. The vehicle out of commission for near two months due to supply chain shortages.
Since the accident, I normally drive my husband’s much-too-large dually pick-up, (to put it nicely) and he drives the Crown Vic. Although difficult to find a big enough place to park at work, I keep the beast between the white lines of the road.
One day, my husband needed his truck. So, I got the Crown Vic.
The car earned an endearment by a man with a speech impediment at a gas station. As my son filled his car, the man grinned in appreciation and called out, “You got the Podice Padge!” My son immediately knew he meant and grinned back. Police Package. The name has stuck.
I drove approximately ten miles under the speed limit, not sure the car could handle high speed. But then wondered if the speedometer worked because no one passed me.
Same thing the second day
My thought: I wonder why everyone is driving so slowly. Then a merging car necessitated a change into the left lane. I would let him pass me, then get back over. Or so I thought. Patiently I waited for him to speed up so I could get behind him. But he stayed with me on my right side.
Then, rather impatiently, I stuck my foot in the gas and hoped the car would cooperate. Finally able to pass the car I got in front of him and slowed back down to my cruising speed. Gratefully he passed me along with all the other cars that were lagging.
Clearly, they went slower out of deep respect for the Podice Pkge. For all they knew I was undercover. LOL.
The Police Package just got another smile. Too bad I didn’t have a hair dryer. 😊