March 10, 2025

Comfort comes when we hold a baby. (A peaceful one😊). An almost universal heart-warming thrill. One of life’s simple pleasures.

The Comfort of Holding a Baby

Recently a precious mother with an eight-month-old, secure in a baby carrier, allowed three acquaintances, including myself, to hold her infant.

The infant, a precious wonder and miracle before us, tolerated without protest or whimper our admiring matronly needs for a long overdue baby juggling contest. Each held the infant in a spell-bound gaze of his perfect features.

We each had a moment of perfection in an imperfect world.

A COVID Conscious World

The moment was even more special in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. My own over-protective grandmother instincts roused over the concern of germs and ever vigilant new behaviors of social distancing and six-foot rule. Mask intact and hands sanitized, I overcome my caution and enjoyed the brief interaction of cuteness overload in my arms.

This new mother generously shared the joy of her new baby. She was aware of the needs COVID-19 has created. A vacuum of caution and fear created by a tiny virus. The mother reassured us that she did not mind us holding her baby. She knew we were careful and clean.

Who doesn’t love a baby to cradle in their arms for a moment? Holding a new life. For just a moment the world can pass by. Cares and worries evaporate as we gaze into the angelic face of innocence and perfection.

We all agreed that the baby was a highlight of the day, thankful for the mother’s generosity in a COVID conscious world.

How different from the before COVID world when our lives were seasoned by a handshake or hug. And yes, the treat of holding a new baby.

What are you missing in the world of COVID?

Blessings as we all adjust to new norms. I hope you get your quota of hugs that all humans need. Holding a baby must have a special quota as well.

Yes, babies are a blessing.

Scripture for Today

“Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb a reward”
(Psalm 127:3).

Prayer for Today

Father, we come before you today, thankful for simple pleasures and everyday miracles. Admiring a new baby. The gift of a new life. Clean air to breathe. Food on our table. We ask that you would bring comfort in our chaotic world of COVID. Please heal all who are affected by this illness. Heal all the effects: economic, socially, and every other way it has affected us, known and unknown. Amen.

Photo by Adele Morris via Unsplash

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Gratitude Journal for Caregivers

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