March 9, 2025

Teamwork is essential in the world of COVID-19. So many changes have occured in the workplace over the last two years. COVID driving the chaos.

working in the world of COVID
photo by Luke Jones via unsplash

Especially  healthcare. And if you’re a nurse you in the thick of things.

That certainly doesn’t minimize the change you’ve witnessed if you work elsewhere. No one is not affected.

There is even change concerning the tracking of symptoms and calling in sick. In our hospital we screen in daily through an app that tracks COVID-like symptoms. When someone has any symptoms such as cough, fever, headache tiredness, etc, the screen on our app changes color. Then the tracking begins.

Our department, occupational and employee health, tracks the employees that have COVID-19 symptoms among many other things. They ensure each sick person needing a test gets one and is not working while sick.

Being a newcomer to the area keeps me amazed.

As symptoms of affected employees rose exponentially, the demands for efficient testing and tracking skyrocketed as well. High numbers of sick employees in need of testing rose. Getting everyone tested was the new challenge. Managers and part-time individuals stepped up to swab affected employees. (That’s the nasal test we have all seen on TV).

 Each coworker seamlessly works together up with grace and efficiency to fill the need.

Quick innovation and thinking outside the box occurred on several levels and continues to occur daily.

Each team member fills the voids and completes necessary work to ensure employees return to work timely and safely.

All call-ins by employees equal desperation for managers who are already short staffed throughout the hospital setting.

Yes, teamwork in employee health is evident in my place of work. Continuous streamlining of the work flow helps. A tedious process of phone calls, testing and so much more. So affected workers can return to work symptom free in a timely fashion.

Impatiently we all wait for COVID numbers to decline. A welcome reprieve until the next variant brings new, unseen challenges. Ready to repeat the process with innovative tweaks along the way.

Health care settings often give lip service to teamwork. Although the ideal never realized.

Gratefully I am part of a great team who works together on a daily basis.

I hope you experience teamwork in your employment environment.

Hoping for health and safety for all in the current rise in the Omicron variant.

Prayer for Today

Father, we pray for those who are ill with COVID-19, asking for healing and health. We also ask for well staffed places of work that provide us with income. Bless each hospital and healthcare worker on the frontlines facing fatigue and possible burnout. Refresh each weary worker and keep them free from illness and stress. May teamwork be encouraged and fostered. Amen.

Scripture for Today

“Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose” (Philippians 2:2 NLT).

Oklahoma Rose

Try my book: Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

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