March 10, 2025

The test has arrived. What was written last week requires proofing. I must walk out my words. No choice but to hold on and hope for the best.

The ride was wild. I was on call and seeing more patients than usual. And “Just one more, please.” Lots of nursed notes. Ugh!

Did I pass my test? That may depend on who you ask. As far as Im concerned, yes. By the grace of God.

God provided me with over the top energy and help. Providence provided the assistance of a new employee who is training. We worked together and got ‘er done!

One day I experienced extra peace vs that old familiar rise in anxiety. I kept thinking someone must be praying for me. Sure enough my husband who always prays for me. I also solicited prayer from another friend.

God is Faithful

Wow! God answered. Like always. He is faithful.

The state of anxiety never works. Although I seem to keep trying. Perhaps God was demonstrating a different approach.

The next week required extra rest and self-care. More sleep to overcome exhaustion and not feeling my best. Eating nutritious food. I needed more exercise, but did what I could.
My pace was slower and I was grateful for the reprieve.

I’m reminded that some weeks are like that. Tough weeks will come. Trials will come. God has promised to be with me and never leave me nor forsake me. He will restore me as I wait on Him.
I made it through my week. I held on, and completed my week without a scrape.

Are you going through a test? All we can do is keep our focus on our Savior who makes our path straight and is always faithful to help us. No matter what.

One things for sure: if we don’t pass the test this time, we will always have another opportunity.

Bible Verse

It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 AMP

Prayer for the Day

Father, Be with us today as we go through any and all difficulties. Help us to find you peace, love, strength and path in difficult circumstances and situations. Thank you that you are faithful to answer our prayers through your love and grace. Amen.

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