March 10, 2025

Sick of Covid-19? 


Actually, “quit coughing” is an inside joke in my family. But the term was not always humorous.

Especially when my toddling, blond headed son was sick with a cough. During a coughing fit my impatient husband would respond with a harsh scold: “Quit Coughing.”

Then came my protective mother response, “He can’t help it.”

And my husband said, “He’s just wanting attention.”

And maybe he was. My motherly instinct gladly provided a cuddle to comfort my ill child.

But trying to stifle the involuntary response of a cough is next to impossible, especially for a sick toddler.

Over the years my husband came to realize the absurdity of his request.

Now whenever one of us has a cough we mockingly command, “QUIT COUGHING.” My husband shakes his head at the memory as we laugh at his silly mistake. He has since apologized to my now grown son.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic the cough of a close by individual gets my attention. My first thought: “QUIT COUGHING!” Then my mind conjures up visualizations of infected droplets of spittle and a contaminated cloud that can travel an amazing six meters or 19.685 feet. Ugh.

Hopefully the guilty culprit used an elbow or had a mask. A cough sequestered by a mask travels a mere 2.5 inches. Much more to my liking.

Wearing a mask is a simple exercise.

Whether or not we agree with the practice from a political standpoint or not, wearing a mask slows transmission of Covid-19. If we all wore masks, we may keep Aunt Edna and possibly ourselves out of the hospital.

Stringent practices in New Zealand and Greenland resulted in successful decline and eventual stamping out the Covid-19 infections. Amazing feats accomplished through cooperative efforts of many. Stringent efforts continue to keep infections at bay.

We are all sick of Covid-19. Our only alternative is to wash hands, and don our masks and respect the six-foot rule of social distancing.

How far is your cough traveling?

Prayer for Today

Father God, we come to you today in continuing Covid-19 crisis. We ask that this silent enemy be eradicated world wide. We ask for the cooperation of each individual to do their part in the United States and in states that have experienced a rise in cases of Covid-19. Please let us unite to fight this common enemy. Let us see beyond our own comfort and political view point to consider the safety and protection of others who may be unable to fight this disease. We ask for your wisdom, grace and blessing on our nation in this difficult time. Amen.

Scripture for Today

 “Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.” (Galatians 6:9 AMP)

© 2020 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “Sick of Covid-19: “QUIT COUGHING”

  1. Find me 2 double blind studies that suggest that a mask inhibits the spread of any virus.

    Find me 2 double blind studies that suggest that there are no negative health effects on children wearing masks for over an hour.

    I’ve been looking….I can’t find any in all of my usual medical research sources.

    1. I’m sorry I did not see this comment sooner. I do use reputable websites for all of my posts, and I will be doing my own research on this. Thank you, Tammy

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