March 10, 2025

Sick of hearing about Covid-19? Lets engage the rules. Covid-19 doesn’t care how we think or feel. The virus infects individuals across political party lines. Many think the virus is a hoax and essential workers see virus results on a daily basis.

And there is evidence on both sides of the mask conflict. To wear a mask or not to wear a mask. My choice is to wear one.

The Covid-19 infection rates continue to climb. Our overconfident zeal in getting back to normal seemed to backfire.

In Oklahoma the Covid-19 cases are rising as well. In the first-round infections remained low, but now the spike trends upward.

Yes, we need to take this seriously and get aggressive with what works.

None of us like to shelter in place or wear a mask, or be told what to do. We headstrong Americans do what we want when we want.

But what if…

What if we worked together to eradicate a common enemy? We know the rules. We just need to apply them daily and consistently for a short time.

Okay. Here’s the Covid-19 rule book:

  1. Stay home as much a possible.
    1. Do all those things you never have time for.
    2. Change up your home routine.
    3. Play a game with your loved ones.
    4. Keep it simple. You might like the slower pace.
  2. Don your mask.
    1. Please, please, please cover your nose and mouth with the mask.
      • I’m silently appalled when people allow their nose to poke over the mask.
      • Wearing the mask incorrectly negates the effort.
    1. If you wear a cloth mask be sure it’s clean.
      • The moisture from your breath creates a good environment for germs to grow.
      • Wear a mask you like. This increases likelihood of wearing it.
        1. My personal favorite is my Wonder Woman mask.
      • FYI: when you are alone in your car you do not need to wear your mask.
  3. Respect the six-foot rule.
    1.  Don’t stand too close thereby minimizing chances of infection.
    1. Germs travel especially a cough or sneeze and not covering your nose and mouth.
  4. Wash your hands frequently.
    1. We have a sign in out workplace bathroom that says, “Wash your hands you filthy animal.” Our supervisor likes to keep us motivated. 😊
    2. And when my brother and me were little we had a foot stool that had a carousel on it, accompanied by the words “Wash hands and face and do it well when you step on this carousel.”
    3. Good hand washing technique includes the following:
      1. Wet hands with clean water and apply soap.
      2. Lather hands using friction with the soap. Be sure to get back of hands, fingers and nails.
      3. Scrub hands for at least 20 seconds. Sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice.
      4. Rinse hands well under clean, running water.
      5. Dry hands thoroughly with a clean towel.

If wearing my mask keeps 1 person from getting Covid-19 that is success.

Scripture for the Today

Because you have made the Lord, [who is] my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil will befall you,
Nor will any plague come near your tent.
For He will command His angels in regard to you,
To protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
” (Psalm 91:9-11 AMP).

Prayer for Today

Father, we come to you this morning with concerns for our nations health. Please eradicate this virus in our nation. Help us to find effective ways to fight this illness. Protect those of in our population who are high risk. Give each of us strength and tenacity in the days ahead. We pray for your will and the power to carry it out. Reward our efforts as we fight this disease. Please heal and strengthen those in the hospital and those who are currently sick. Unify our nation. Amen.

Copyright, 2020, Nanette M. Holloway-All rights reserved