March 9, 2025
Hope in a seed

Seeds of hope, filled with the miracle of genetic promise, spout as if by magic. Planted in faith the seed grows into a seedling.

Hope in those jam-packed little seeds is multiplied with the help of a greenhouse environment. The sun bathed cubical provides ample light and warmth by day. Heaters sustain optimal temperatures on cold nights to ensure germination. All the right provision, along with soil and water, for growth and development into new plants.

The new greenhouse is just what my milkweed seeds need. Last year my windowsills were host to several trays of planted seeds. The germination rate was fair, although much slower than the greenhouse. But once the tiny seedlings were planted in flowerbeds, they did not survive. Out of approximately thirty seeds, only four plants survived to maturity.

Seeds of hope

This year my hope is for a greater yield of milkweed plants for our pollinator friends. Specifically, the Eastern Monarch. These beautiful orange and black butterflies feed and lay their larvae on milkweed. Loss of habitat, pesticides and drought have added to their decline in population. The Monarch is currently under consideration for the endangered species list. The US Fish and Wildlife Service will make a decision in March 2025.

We can assist Monarchs by creating pollinator habitats. Many schools participate in this venture. And so can you. You can even register your garden through Okies for Monarchs: Home –Okiesformonarchs.

In the meantime, my milkweeds continue to grow.

Soon and very soon the days will lengthen and the temperatures will warm as the hope of spring returns.

As for today, the snow falls, and the grip of winter remains.

But sunshine is in the forecast for tomorrow. For that, hope remains strong.

Scripture for Today

“Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone” (Psalm 33:22 NLT).

Prayer for You Today

Beloved of God, may He fill your heart with hope for today and tomorrow. And Lord, we pray for the Monarchs whose numbers are dwindling. Help their habitats to improve and expand with plentiful milkweed, and rain in due season. Amen.

Seeds of hope

© 2025 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

Are you a gardener waiting for spring? Get my devotional: Finding Delight in the Vineyard: Cling to the True Vine. Based on John 15 from a grape grower’s perspective is sure to give you deeper understanding of abiding in the vine.

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