March 9, 2025

Respect is something we all want, need and deserve in the work environment. (Healthcare in particular, since I’m a nurse😉). Simple regard for who we are, our time and God given gifts.

Respect is mutual. At least we all hope for that. A grace given and received.

Often this regard for others is missing in the workplace. Such conditions make easy jobs difficult and difficult jobs unbearable.

Often bullies refuse to acknowledge or accept others for their contribution and unique gifts in the workplace.

And differences in personalities, opinions and lifestyles abound. But each of us is a unique creation of a loving God. Each worthy of common courtesy and gracious treatment in the realm of employment.

Photo by Gary Butterfield via unsplash


  • RReassuring acceptance of personhood, skills, training among coworkers. Having regard for feelings rights and traditions of one another.
  • EEsteem and regard for others. Extends grace to others when mistakes are made, nurturing growth and learning from errors. To refrain from criticizing others weaknesses or errors.
  • SSupports coworkers through encouragement and assistance when necessary. Helpful, assuming additional workload when assigned work is complete. Fostering teamwork.
  • PPolite in conversation and communication. This quality requires patience. We’re all learning and in differing places of expertise.
  • EElevates others for their unique gifts and contributions. We all bring our own special gift to the table.
  • CChange is everywhere. Embracing or bracing for the challenge may be the best approach.  Especially in the world of COVID. New mandates and recommendations occur frequently from the CDC. Currently the rise in cases from the Omicron variant is contributing to an increased workload in many places of employment due to call-ins and waves of illness in the workforce.
  • TTeamwork is tantamount in the job. Increasing demands on already stressed workers is lessened when the load is shared. Each person contributing their part in a spirit of cooperation creates harmony.

Each element in the acrostic contributes to the ideal of a workplace heaven. Perhaps you have another point to add for consideration. Please share your thoughts and ideas concerning this crucial topic.

Scripture for Today

Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king (1 Peter 2:17 NLT).

You might enjoy reading my book Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

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