Loving one another is another high ideal Jesus exemplified for us. To the point of laying down his life for you and me—His friends.
This edict sounds easy, except for individuals who are difficult, needy, demanding, angry and high maintenance. Remember that term? Loving unlovely people is difficult. They try our patience and push our buttons as we tilt toward intolerance.
Jesus helps us, providing the fruit of the spirt necessary to give food and water in his name, as outlined for us in Matthew 10: 42.
As we abide in Him, the true vine, the life force of his spirit flows into us and provides what we need. And sometimes we require pruning of wayward shoots of anger or out of control reactions as we learn to respond with loving kindness. One thing for certain, we get to try again as we learn from mistakes.
My husband is a truck driver and delivers oxygen and nitrogen to places like hospitals and more. The company he works for maintains high standards for all those who are employed by them. For instance, going the speed required (which is pretty slow), avoiding hard brakes and lots more micromanagement.
His job, like all jobs, brim with frustration. People become impatient with slower than the speed limit speed of his big rig. And all those cars that pull out creating traffic annoyance. Add to that long work hours and patience with others can run low.
Prayer: A Simple Approach
He has a special approach through a simple daily prayer asking God for acceptance, peace and kindness.
I’ve tried this technique myself. The frustrations dwarf into small irritations easily confronted. If nothing else, it puts a smile on my face and gives my attitude a lift.
Try it. 😊
Prayer for you Today
Beloved of Christ, I lift you up today and ask that God would provide the acceptance, patience, love and kindness needed in all interactions today. Father, provide the believer the fruit necessary to glorify you. Amen
Scripture for Today
But concerning brotherly love, ye have no need that I write unto you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another;
“But we don’t need to write to you about the importance of loving each other, for God himself has taught you to love one another” (1 Thessalonians 4:9 NLT).

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity
© 2022 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved
Great post
So glad you like it 🙂
Nanette , great encouragement !
My thoughts exactly regarding my husband’s simple prayer. God is simple. 🙂