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As we praise God, our hearts fill with gratitude. And conversely when our hearts are full of gratitude toward God, we offer our praise to Him. Either way is good.
Praise to God is a positive step toward enhancing gratitude. Our gaze is lifted from temporal, earthly concerns to God eternal. We are reminded that He is greater. He is worthy of our praise and honor. He is above every name named. Master and creator of all. The God who promises to give us our hearts desire when we trust in Him. And the plans He has for us are good to give us a future and a hope.
Praise to God is the Ultimate Gratitude Exercise
Especially in difficult times that try the follower. Times when we are desperate for God and His touch. We may need a spiritual break-through during those tough storms that rage.
One of the my most difficult times in life was during my caregiving season during my dad’s last year of life. Much of the time my anxious frame of mind filled with worry and dread for my dad’s ever declining health and his ever-pending death due to cancer of the esophagus.
Yet, God’s grace ushered me through the long year.
Often as I journeyed to see him in the nursing home, I preferred silence to the praise on local radio station. As I prayed for God’s help, the Lord began to give me a tune. Praying in the spirit to the melody brought peace. The rhythm repeated again and again during my thirty-minute drive.
Over time, my curiosity rose concerning my new song. Playing the tune on my guitar, I asked God for the words. And to my surprise they came to mind.
The Lord continued to give me new songs during my dad’s illness and later after his death. The melodies a bright spot during difficult times.
God’s Whisper
Come, my Beloved. Enter into my loving embrace. Listen to the silence. Still your mind that races ahead. Release worries and fear that flood your mind. Hear the new song in your heart. Sing praises to my name, casting each care onto me. I care for you and each concern. Pray in faith for the answers you desire. Praise me with a grateful heart.
Love, The Father
Scripture for Today
“Through Him, therefore, let us at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name” (Hebrews 13:15 AMP).
Prayer for You Today
Beloved of God. May your heart be filled to overflowing with gratitude and love for God and Christ, the Lover of your soul. Amen.

© 2023 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved
God’s answered each prayer during my dad’s last year of life. Read my memoir for more inspiration at end-of-life:
Before you Depart: God’s Touch Before Eternity