March 9, 2025
Peach blooms in a parade of blossoms

Spring is springing in a continual parade of blossoms. The bees frantically visit each flower collecting sweet nectar. The birds tailor nests for their young.
God orchestrates the perennial parade of beauty in perfect symphony. As one blossom fades and another takes center stage. Each one a favorite in a succession of grandeur. The grass emerges new in emerald array. Peach blossoms burst under the sun’s warmth. Dogwoods follow with a show of white flowers.

Pin peach blooms in a parade of blossoms
Peach Blooms in a Parade of Blossoms ©2010, Nanette M. Holloway, All Rights Reserved

The earth determines to throw off the blanket of cold and frozen temperatures and hastens to break any lingering dormant spell. The air is full of hope with a caress of warmth.

Dogwoods in Bloom ©2019, Elece Hollis, All Rights Reserved
©2019, Elece Hollis, All Rights Reserved

Spring is a season of renewal and revival in the earth. The spring parade of blossoms brings hope to our heart as we experience the beauty at hand.

Like spring, Lent is a season of hope and renewal. God makes all thing new in His time. Open your heart and let it bloom in God’s amazing grace.

Bible Verse

Psalm 147:8 Amplified Bible (AMP)
8 Who covers the heavens with clouds,
Who provides rain for the earth,
Who makes grass grow on the mountains.

2 Corinthians 5:17 New King James Version (NKJV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Today’s Glory

My Beloved, come to the Garden of My Presence. The blossoms are full and fragrant. As you breathe, take in the newness of My life giving spirit of joy and peace. Be refreshed as you let go of the old and take on the new. I am faithful to instill in your spirit all that you need. My mercy and grace are new each day. Rejoice and sing praises to My name.

©2019,Nanette M. Holloway, All Rights Reserved

Tulips in Bloom ©2019 Elece Hollis-All Rights Reserved