March 9, 2025

photo by Jessica Dep via unsplash

One of my favorite memories includes Thanksgiving and Christmas before my dad died.

The following blog is an excerpt from my memoir, Before You Depart: God’s Touch Before Eternity. God provided answers to my audacious prayer before my dad died. Thanksgiving proved to be the best ever and I asked that Christmas would be good too…

“My goal was to keep the focus on Jesus’ birth, not the overshadowing of Dad’s illness. Homemade decorations topped the agenda. Name settings created, complete with Christmas scriptures.

Emma came for a visit. My anxiety increased. What would happen this time? She always created strife of some kind.

She kept to herself and visited Dad every day. My hugs ceased when she came, changing the dynamics between Dad and me. The message came through loud and clear that she was here to visit Dad, not me. I had to remember my stance to forgive and allow the grace of God to work, should He choose to do that.

Christmas morning arrived. Emma declined my invitation to Christmas dinner, saying she would eat with Dad.

Snow started to fall

but Emma insisted on seeing Dad. The wintry precipitation covered the ground in white flurries. Accumulations greater than predicted on weather reports.

Emma called near noon, “Can I still come to your dinner?”

 “Sure.” I hurriedly made a place setting for Emma, complete with her part of the Christmas story prayer.

She arrived an hour later. Snow slowed the thirty-minute drive. Unable to traverse the hill on the driveway, she got stuck and walked up the hill.

We gathered for dinner

Everyone including Emma read their prayer. She smiled as she read. Something had changed. She wasn’t her normal cynical self in regard to the prayer or participation. No sarcasm or derogatory remarks.

My heart thrilled at the touch of God once again. He had answered another impossible prayer, touching Emma’s heart. Worship flowed in silent prayer. Our Christmas celebration turned out to be a perfect day. God’s presence filled the room with peace and joy. Retreating to the bathroom, tears of gratitude and joy flowed.

My imagination stretched for answers. Did Dad’s minister talk to Emma?

He was a precious man of God. When Dad was diagnosed, he came for a visit. I asked him, “Do you think Dad has asked Jesus into his heart and received Him as his Savior?’

He answered, “God knows His sheep, and your Dad is certainly one of them.”

Emma surprised me again that evening. Coming back for seconds on pie, she isolated me. She said, “I sure am thankful for all you’ve done for Dad.”

“I wish I could have kept him home longer. But I think the nursing home is keeping a close eye on him.”

“He can be difficult sometimes. I know it’s been hard.”

“Sometimes, but we’re making it.”

Lying down for bed that night, sleep evaded me. Energized by the amazing events of the day left me with feelings of euphoria. Joy-filled tears rolled down my cheeks.

God had answered all my prayers.

I had my reconciliation from Dad. He had not passed during the holidays. Emma’s heart had softened. Emma had even thanked me for all my efforts.

God was answering all my prayers out of the richness of His grace and glory. He was taking care of every detail, doting each “i,” and crossing every “t.” “

My prayer is that you too will have the best Christmas ever this year. May your heart be filled with the joy of the season. The joy that Christ provides…Emmanuel, God with us. Amen.

Scripture for Today

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” (Matthew 2:10 AMP).

Prayer for You Today

Precious One,

I pray that God would fill you heart with the wonder of the Christ Child’s miraculous birth. I ask that He would provide joy for this season and that Christmas miracle you are praying for. Amen.


Get my memoir:

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

© 2022 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

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