March 9, 2025

Now is the time to let it begin with me. Letting it Begin with me is the very least I can do as the Covid-19 crisis looms larger every day. Any effort feels like it falls short. But we can protect ourselves and others at the same time.

Thankfully many people are doing great things with new innovations in regard to testing, providing ventilators, and expanding hospital capacity.

Initially the Covid-19 virus seemed like a media hype. Thankfully a friend posted on Facebook the reality of her own concern due to a compromised immune system. So many individuals have chronic illnesses and health concerns compounding the crisis.

Yes. Time to let it begin with me.

Self-isolation is difficult. Yet so many are being creative with the new norm.

My husband and I are both essential workers. Steve is a truck driver delivering oxygen to hospitals and other areas. And my profession is nursing.

Letting it begin with me means I must protect myself and all those I come in contact with on a daily basis. Wearing a mask, gloves, washing my hands more than I already did, and staying home when not at work.

Being a home health nurse

poses risk, but certainly not as much as those employed in hospitals.

Many of my friends are in the epicenters of Oklahoma. I’m so thankful for their courage and strength in this time of great need.

 Although my job is not on the front line in the hospital, my coworkers and myself are observing special precautions.

Shown below: Michelle, Andi, Rochelle, Cathy, Randi getting a bear hug…

Yes, home health has felt the stress of limited personal protective equipment (PPE).

The good news is that others are joining the efforts to help protect us. Thanks to a co-worker Cathy Smith, a church across the street and another individual, we all have cloth masks. Someone has made Wonder Woman masks. And yes, I want one.

In addition churches are being the church in amazing ways. Technology is providing a way for us to be together in online meetings for worship and Sunday school. Church food pantries continues to distribute food safely.

So many people are giving so much in this time of great need. We all have a part to play in the Covid-19 crisis. We can “let it begin with me” and do our best to stay healthy prevent more infections.

And we can pray to the God who loves us and hears our prayer.

Prayer for Today

Father, we are desperate for your protection and help during this time of crisis. Protect each essential worker who may be exposed daily to Covid-19. Continue to provide the innovations, medications, and equipment we need to fight this unseen enemy. Heal those infected. And please provide the grace and miracles we need daily. Amen

Scripture for the Day

Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].” (Hebrews 4:16 AMP)

Also, my new book is available: Before You Depart: God’s Touch Before Eternity.

and Coping Skills for Caregivers

© 2020 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved