March 9, 2025

Need a break through from God? Something only He can give or do for you? Maybe your prayer is even beyond what you think God can do.

But then again, be reminded that nothing is impossible to God. He specializes in that sort of thing.

Break Through

I’m thinking of all those in need of healing. Those with COVID-19 suffering from air hunger, whose symptoms linger. Or perhaps a need for hospitalization and help breathing with a ventilator or Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) machines. The later of which oxygenates blood, and removes carbon dioxide(which is what we exhale when breathing) so the heart muscle and lungs can recover from critical illnesses.

Another friend comes to mind who has a suspicious tumor requiring surgery.

Whatever our plea in prayer, God is able.

God is Jehovah Jireh, our provider!

Just when we think the chances of our need is fading or evading us, God comes through for us.

Recently praying for a new opportunity to come my way, after much seeking and searching, sure enough. I got my breakthrough.

A gift from my Heavenly Father. Provision in time of need. Exactly what I needed. Divine provision.

Only God can do that.

So often we think He’s forgotten us. But no. He’s asking us once again to trust Him with all of our heart.

God’s Whisper

My Beloved,

Trust me. Look to me for my divine provision. Gifts from heaven, as I carefully construct your life. I am Jehovah Jireh, your provider. I know your need before you ask. Yes. Ask and it shall be given to you. I hear your cry and My promises are yes and amen.”

Love, The Father

Scripture for Today

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens, in whom there is no variation no rising or setting or shadow cast by His turning for He is perfect and never changes.” (James 1:17 AMP).

Prayer for Today


We come before you today and pray for those needing a healing touch from COVId-19. We lift up those who are on ventilators or ECMO, struggling to breathe. Lord, you know how great this need is. I also lift up my friend with the tumor. We ask that the surgery would go well and the tumor would be benign. Thank you that you are Jehovah Jireh, our provider. Thank you for the countless prayers you have been faithful to answer. We praise you and thank you for your love and divine provision. Amen.

Photo by davide-cantelli via unsplash

Are you caring for a loved one suffering from COVID-19? Get my caregiver series:

Coping Skills for Caregivers

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