Spring morning garden tours begin in early May. A must on bright sunshiny days, but cloudy days are great too.
God’s provision of ample spring rains at just the right time, ensured germination of all those seeds planted in April. Monitoring the new sprouts is a priority on my garden tour. Including the new plot on the driveway with unknown wildflowers, zinnias and cosmos. All favorites. Plus, new varieties for a change of scenery—peach colored and Mexican zinnias, and yellow and orange cosmos.
Then there are my previously planted perennials, plentiful white clover and a catalpa tree with sweet smelling blossoms to provide a feast of nectar for the bees and other pollinators.

But the milkweed seems slow to bloom. Perhaps my impatient wait stems 😊from a desire to support the declining monarch butterfly population with a hopeful future waystation as they migrate.
Finally, my morning tour takes me to the vegetable garden with hopes of a plentiful harvest of tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, squash, eggplant and peppers and more. Sounds like a future feast. And all the plants look great.
This morning’s tasks included planting my flowering pots with petunias and other favorite blooms and getting the last few veggies planted before the rain hit.
This year my pest control consists of numerous marigolds. Several gardener friends utilize this method. My hopes are high for success.
Well, my friends, what is growing in your neck of the woods, or desert? Let me know. Enjoy your garden tour today. Stop and smell the roses or other blooms encountered on the garden path.
Scripture for Today
“My work was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos’ work was to water it, but it was God, not we, who made the garden grow in your hearts” (1 Corinthians 3:6 TLB).
Prayer for You Today
Father in heaven, please bless my friends today as they tour the garden. And bless the garden withing thier hearts. Amen.

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved
If you like gardening, you’ll like my devotional: Finging Delight in the Vineyard
What a lovely idea – the morning garden tour – a time of worship!
Yes! My favorite time of the day.