Mother’s Day may be over, but my mom is not forgotten. Talking about your mom in a good light is always a benefit.
One thing is certain: I appreciate my mom and all her efforts when I was growing up. Especially since she is no longer walking this earth. My youthful eyes were too busy with the next item on my all important agenda, or the latest offense, drama or conflict imposed on my miniscule world revolving around self.
One thing I am grateful for is how she nurtured my faith. And her jewelry box holds several treasures.
In Celebration
of my spiritual step towards almighty God, my mom took me shopping and got me my own Bible. The Living Bible. She also got me a necklace with the one-way sign on it. The meaning signifies there is only one way to heaven: Through the acceptance of Christ Jesus into your heart and following Him.
After receiving Christ into my heart at church camp, I came home excited from my hilltop experience. My heart was bursting with an all-consuming spiritual high and joy that God provides when you open your heart to Him.

The necklace got lots of wear and served as a way to witness to others about my new found faith.
Yes, Mom made a big deal out of my decision to accept Christ into my life. First steps in faith included reading my new Bible nightly before bed, followed by a quiet time and prayer with God.
My rooted patterns formed in youth continued through college and life and now as I walk humbly with God. Mom’s nurture in youth made an impact on my youthful heart. My treasures remain. Mostly the treasure of God’s enduring grace through life.
Nurturing a child in the admonition of the Lord is a Mother’s divine destiny.
As we plant tiny mustard seeds of faith into our children’s tender lives we must let go and let God tend the garden of their hearts. And over time keep praying and trusting that those seeds will bring forth a rich harvest in God’s perfect timing. After all, God is the author and finisher of our faith.
God’s Whisper
My Beloved, Come to the Garden of My Presence. Know that seeds sown into your child’s heart are precious to Me. Pray that the seed would be nurtured by good soil within their young heart. Yes, nurturing a child in the admonition of the Lord is your divine destiny. Trust me and praise me for the coming fruit. I AM the author and the finisher of each child’s faith.
Love, The Father
Scripture for Today
[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, [a]disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work].

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