March 10, 2025

Memorial Day Celebrations are over for the year. Everyone restless and antsy to be in the great out of doors after the prolonged COVID 19 captivity and shut down. Lakes and beaches welcoming visitors once again.

But the fallen heroes that number wartime casualties are still haunting me.

Memorial Day Celebration of Fallen Heroes
Memorial Day Celebration of Fallen Heroes

I received a text from a friend on Saturday about the National Memorial Day Concert televised on PBS. The televised event was a poignant, excellent production from start to finish. A sobering reminder that our freedoms are made possible and protected through the loss of countless lives on near and distant battle fields.

Life, liberty and freedom. Freedom that unifies beyond divisive differences, political stance and race. Freedom to preserve the safety and security we enjoy on a day in and day our basis. A luxury too easily taken for granted.

If you haven’t watched the production, maybe you can watch on YouTube. Or like me, maybe you will make it part of your own Memorial Day tradition.

I’m grateful for individuals who have chosen to serve in the armed forces, and individuals who serve those in the armed forces. Like Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna who give to support our invaluable troops.

And I’m also reminded of those Memorial Day Poppies that the veterans use to sell. Remember those? I always wanted my mom to buy a bouquet, but she only bought one for each of us. Since those are out of vogue, I’ll have to find another way to support vets and military personnel.

Who are you remembering today and how did you celebrate your freedom?

Prayer for America

God Bless America. Land that we love. Stand beside her and guide her…

May God help us to preserve these priceless, costly freedoms. Amen

© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

Photo by Justin Casey on Unsplash

Other publications:

Coping Skills for Caregivers

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity