Growing up as a Selective Mute
As a selective mute growing up, Nanette shares her journey of silence and struggle to eventually find her voice.
Selective mutism is a social anxiety that affects approximately 4% of the population or one out of 164 children. Demographics include primarily females, with an onset of symptoms between the age of two to six. The child can speak normally at home and with individuals with whom they are familiar. New social situations and school are where the difficulties manifest.
Season of Caring Podcast

In this Podcast, Nanette shares her season of caregiving as she took care of her dad in his last year of life.
After her dad received a diagnosis of cancer of the esophagus, she prayed an audacious prayer to God: that she and her dad would have a reconciliation, that a loved one would come to know God, and that some family curses would be broken.
God was faithful and ushered Nanette and her family through this difficult year, manifesting His love and grace.
Before her dad died, He answered each prayer.
She encourages caregivers to give themselves grace and avoid guilt over situations out of their control.