March 9, 2025
eyeglasses near spiral notebook and bible

Photo by Tara Winstead on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Note from Nanette: I am so excited to share a blog by Carol McLeod as a guest blogger. Enjoy.

By Carol McLeod 

There are many stories in the Bible that contain the eternal power to deeply touch a tender part in each of us, and I believe the story of Joseph is such a story. I have long been fascinated by this coddled young man who was bullied by his brothers, sold into slavery, and sexually harassed by an older woman, yet became the second most powerful man in the ancient world. It seems like a ridiculous movie plot, doesn’t it?  

I must tell you that Joseph has always been my favorite Old Testament character. While others might choose Ruth, Esther, Moses, or David – for me it has always been Joseph. One of the reasons I relate so deeply to his story is that he possessed the tenacity and resolve to serve God in the most critical and ferocious of times. Oh, how I long for the tenacity and resolve of this young man who lived thousands of years ago. 

white flowers and leaves on an open book
Photo by Tara Winstead on

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. 

Romans 15:4 NIV 

If we were only to consider Joseph’s story from a circumstantial viewpoint rather than from a biblical perspective, we would certainly identify him as a victim. Horrific circumstances, family dysfunction, undeserved slavery, unfair accusations, and sexual harassment is the stuff of Joseph’s life. However, none of those adverse and extreme conditions impacted the ability of Joseph to walk in his God-ordained destiny. The sordid pain that enveloped Joseph’s young life eventually propelled him into his purpose. 

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” – Genesis 12:3 NIV 

The God who worked behind the scenes in Joseph’s life is the same God who is able to do a mighty work on your behalf. When we allow God’s involvement in the writing of our stories, He can turn all our “meanwhiles” into miracles. Joseph experienced a “meanwhile” that included a pit, slavery, and prison. Your meanwhile will certainly look circumstantially different from Joseph’s ancient story; however, living through a “meanwhile” is common to the human experience. I simply define a “meanwhile” as the test of faith between a crisis and God’s visible intervention. Our loving and omnipotent Father can revolutionize the most devastating moment of your life. He can transform it into your finest hour – just as He did for Joseph. 

You are the “Joseph” of your own story.  You could almost replace his name with yours in every place, in every situation, and in every relationship. There are situations, relationships, abuses, and rejections that might try to victimize you and the person you were created to be. However, never forget there is a God working faithfully to transform what the enemy meant for evil into something beautiful and purposeful. No matter what you have gone through in life and regardless of how Satan has attacked your family, your productivity, or your freedom, know that God is big and powerful enough to right the wrong. He will set you free to glorify Himself in you. 

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when faced with frustration and the unique pain that endless waiting stirs up. During my meanwhiles, I often wondered where God was and if He was even aware of what I was going through. However, I can assure you that for every meanwhile you encounter, God is working all things together for His good, your good, and for His glory.  

Dreadful events may deny outward blessings and confine us in a dungeon of pain, but they are unable to deprive us of sweet communion with God, our Father. If you are experiencing devastation today, spend time in prayer and know that God will give you the same grace and strength He gave to a young man by the name of Joseph. 

© 2023 Carol McLeod—All Rights Reserved

Please see Carol Mcleod’s website an all she does: Carol McLeod Ministries

Also, I hope you all look at my new website. I know many of you have not been getting my blogs. Hopefully you are now.
