March 10, 2025

Life is short. Fragile. Sometimes we forget that fact and deny the stark reality.

The death of a loved one brings the sobering truth to our consciousness like nothing else. Everything changes when we suffer the loss of a significant person in our lives.

Suddenly daily routine is broken. Perhaps a parent dies of cancer. The source of childhood memories good and bad, departed. Never to return.

Or you may have lost a spouse. Companionship suddenly ceases. Or a brother lost in a tragic car accident.

Grief abounds with a heavy heart. Losing a loved one seems to change everything. Our world turned upside down. We have that reminder that life is indeed short.

If you are caring for a loved one irritations arise and endless tasks of meal preparation, feeding, and worrying can distract us from the why of what we are doing on a day in and day out basis.

Just for today, take time to sit and enjoy the only mother or father you have been blessed with. Hopefully you have enjoyed one of each. The relationship is irreplaceable and unique. Although far from perfect our moms and dads contribute to who we are.

And if the relationship has been less than perfect, ask God to help you forgive them.

The caregiving season is just that: a season. That being said we will one day be left with our grief and the reality that our days, like those of our loved ones are numbered.

Life is short. All we have is today. Just for today live life to the fullest and give your all through the grace of God.

Quote for the Day

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Helen Keller

Scripture for the Day

“So teach us to number our days,
That we may cultivate and bring to You a heart of wisdom.
(Psalm 90:12 AMP)

Prayer for the Day

Father, teach us to number our days. Whether we are caring for loved ones or not help us to cast all of our cares onto you so that you can fill our cup to overflowing with grace, love, and joy. Or whatever we else we may need for this day. Amen.


Caregiver Grief, a Festering Wound

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