March 10, 2025

Freedom. What an awesome thing to celebrate. From the patriotic freedom we enjoy in America, extending to personal freedom. May it ring true in our hearts and our homes.

Yes, the 4th of July is certainly time to celebrate the many freedoms we enjoy in this magnificent country we call home. We have the freedom to choose our leaders and our way of life.

Yet freedom is not free. Many soldiers have given their lives for the ideals of freedom and a better way of life that we now enjoy.

America is land of the free and home of the brave. May we continue to seek the freedom our forefather laid forth in the US Constitution. Freedom from tyranny and oppression.

May the building blocks of liberty be evergreen in the hearts of Americans. One nation under God.

Thankfully we also have the liberty to choose how we worship God and freedom to attend church.

But the best freedom one can enjoy is the personal freedom gained within our heart when we accept Jesus Christ.

We are a new creation. The old has passed away. We are free from sin and our hearts ring free through Christ.

Prayer for Today

Father, we come before you today and ask that you would continue to protect this great nation, The United States of America. Founded on Godly ideals, and religious freedom guaranteed in the second amendment. Father, bless each leader in office. Let them seek your will and your face as they govern. Bless each citizen. May you God, bless America, land that we love. Amen

Scripture for Today

“if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Oklahoma Rose

Photo by Jakob-Owens via unsplash

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