Another lesson from the vineyard includes training. And no, we don’t have grapes yet. The planting of a grape vine requires patience. Grapes are a labor intensive crop. Fruit bearing usually begins in the third year of establishment.

The roots are established in the first year. The next year is time for training. The vine dresser chooses a strong, straight vine. All other growth is pruned away. The single vine is then trained on a post. New growth is fixed securely to the post. Over the growing season, all other growth is trimmed except the top three leaves. Over the year, the vine reaches the trellis wire that will support the vine through maturity.
The new growth is allowed to adhere to the wire. While another new shoot is allowed to grow in the opposite direction. The training complete, the vine look like T.
A new Christian’s growth is similar. The established roots provide adequate nutrition for growth and training. The new convert requires training in God’s ways. The new Christian learns to yield to God’s will and purpose.
God’s Whisper
My Beloved, come, abide. Allow me to train you in my ways. Each trial and test produce necessary change as you learn my ways.
Trust me as I train your wild heart. Although you live in the world, you are no longer part of it. All traces of self will lying, cheating, deception, hatred and self-centeredness must be trimmed away. I have promised to teach you to walk in my ways.
At time the training seems difficult. My will is not yet your will. Learn to take my yoke upon you. My burden is easy and my load is light. My ways are not your ways, and my standards are high. In time the training becomes easier as you yield to my instruction through obedience. Your righteousness will shine forth for others to see.
Yield my beloved to pruning and training. You are my beloved and I am yours.
Scripture for Today
“Remove the impurities from silver,
and the sterling will be ready for the silversmith.
Remove the wicked from the king’s court,
and his reign will be made secure by justice” (Proverbs 25:4-5).
“You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land which you shall possess” (Deuteronomy 5:33).

Before you Depart is my caregiving journey with my dad before he died. In his honor, the book is on sale for memorial day: Click the link below.❣😊
Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity
© 2022 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved