October 7, 2024

Scripture for Today

“I have loved you, just as the Father has loved Me; abide in My love continue in His love with Me. If you keep My commandments if you continue to obey My instructions, you will abide in My love and live on in it, just as I have obeyed My Father’s commandments and live on in His love” (John 15:9-10 AMPC).

Abide in love
Abide in Love photo by James Chan

The divine invitation to abide in love: A wondrous love that went to the cross, suffered beyond imagination and bore the sin of the word. All so we can stay continually in Christ’s love and presence.

Abiding in the vine of our Lordship. What a concept. That’s a tall order. But then again, abiding is an active yes on the part of the believer. Christ’s answer: “Come. Abide in my strength”.

Knowing his boundless love requires intimacy in the inner chamber of prayer with the lover of our soul. Ideas of such love are beyond us. Perception is limited to a glimpse as we sojourn with the Lord.

As the song I Come so eloquently expresses a devout response: “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my life, my soul my all.” And to expound simply—Forever and ever.

“Yes, Lord, I will abide.” No other answer can suffice.

God’s Whisper

     “Come, My Beloved. Abide in my love today and every day. Answer my loving command that cannot be denied. Come and know my love. An infinite love for the Son, higher than the heavens and deeper than the deepest sea. As far as the east is from the west.

     Yes, come my beloved, bring your pain, hurt, struggle, your all. Come into divine keeping and the blessed security in the raging battle.

     The love of Christ that will compel you in the darkness bearing my truth and light. Yes, let my life shine forth for hungry hurting souls.

     My Beloved, your dwelling place is with me in complete union of love, fullness of joy, strength in weakness and surrender.

   Answer my commanding plea to open your heart and each secret place hidden shame. A loving possession by the Lover of your soul. Embark on this life long journey of discover to know and comprehend endless, perfect love.”

Love the Father

© 2022 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

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