March 9, 2025
Late blooming flower

Those late bloomer beauties color the path just before fall. They bloom as temperatures plummet and geese head south. The promise of a new season edges around the corner.

The cool season blooms provide essential nectar for migrating monarchs. God’s provision for the monarch’s long journey.

Local bees buzz as they gather nectar before the first winter blast.

The last of the bursting buds ease us into the next season. Like a cloak of denial before the coming winter. They bloom their best and provide splashes of beauty along our path.

Not only do I enjoy the falls blooms, but consider myself to be among them. A late bloomer. A step behind. A little behind the pack.

Or was I?

My journey took me through lessons learned. Down a bunny trail, through the woods. A hurdle here, a struggle there. Jesus was providing strength and guidance all the way. Faithful to His promise He never left me.

I was blooming my best. God provided light for my path and the Word to nurture growth for that eventual bloom. Being a late bloomer now means that in perfect step with where I need to be right now.

How about your journey, are you a beautiful bloom ready to bud before the next stormy blast? Surrender your will and where you are to the God who created you, and allow Him to form that beautiful bud that has always been ready to bloom. Maybe you’ll be some beauty along the path for someone else today. Be a late blooming beauty.

Scriptures for Today

The Light unto my Path

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105 KJ21)

You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore
. (Psalm 16:11 AMP).

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