Tis the season for flowers to do what they do best. Bloom. Blooming where God plants them…with a little help from me. Most of my flowers are perennials, which come up every year or reseed themselves.
Last year I planted Black Eyed Susan in a shaded area. But this year they chose their own God given comfort zone in a more sunny location. The result is a beautiful variegated palate of color chaos.
The color palate of harmonious blooms welcome me home after a day of work. The colors provide a dose of cheer. A refuge and mini paradise of favorite colors and blossoms.
Similarly the body of Christ is varied and beautiful. Each person blooms the best where God plants them. Hopefully in a warm, sunny spot.

All that to say: Are you trusting God to perfect all that concerns you? He provides the nutrients that feed you, and waters you with His word. Trusting God with all that concerns you includes past, present and future circumstances.
As you let go and let God, look at the past through God’s loving grace, and don’t look too far ahead. Bloom where God has you planted today. Be a fragrant bright yellow Zinnia, or a slender calming stalk of sweet Lavender.
Let’s all bloom where God has us planted and provide the world with a fragrant bouquet of love, grace, and peace.
Bible Verse
Psalm 138:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 The Lord will [a]perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
© 2019, Nanette M. Holloway, All Rights Reserved