Not only is this an introduction to the Song of Songs, but also a special invitation for you get your own copy of my new book: Song of Songs, the Search for Authentic Love.
The Song of Songs is the best of Solomon’s 1,005 songs. The title means, “the best of songs.” Due to historically similar vocabulary and other Egyptian love poems written during this time, The Song of Songs is attributed to the period of Solomon’s life. The Christian Church generally recognizes Solomon as the author, although this fact is sometimes disputed.
Due to the complexity of this often-confusing book, a wide variety of interpretations and commentaries are available in contemporary literature.
There are Three approaches to interpretation:
literal, allegorical, and typical. The literal interpretation tells the love story between the bridegroom and his bride. This approach is used within the Christian Church to teach about marriage and sexual relationships.
Another approach is allegorical. Solomon is identified with God and the Shulamite with Israel, depicting the love relationship between the two. The typical interpretation views Solomon as a type and shadow of Christ, depicting His deep, passionate love for the Church and the individual believer.
This devotional uses the allegorical approach of Christ’s passion toward the individual believer, who has already accepted Christ as their savior. The Country Girl from Nowhere, or the Shulamite in the original text, is on a quest for authentic love. But this love can only be found in the beloved Shepherd King, the author and finisher of her faith.
The characters in the poem are the Shepherd, also referred to as the Shepherd King, the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom Lover. This is Christ the savior who woos the Country Girl. The Country Girl from Nowhere is the believer who responds to Christ’s lavish portrayal of love for her alone. The Friends are the Country Girl’s friends and church attendees. The Brothers refer to the Country Girl’s brothers.
As you read The Search for Authentic Love, a Biblical text of the Song of Solomon may help. I used the New King James Version which provided nice divisions of the text. The Passion version, is a beautiful translation and easier to follow than most translations.
Be Sure you put on those Rose Colored, spiritual Glasses
Although the original text of Song of Solomon is sensual, approach the teaching through spiritual lenses. A spiritual perspective of Christ’s love is an all-consuming love toward the believer.
The Search for Authentic Love: A Devotional of Song of Songs was written with the prayer that each reader would fall more deeply in love with the Lover of their soul. My initial encounter with Jesus in Song of Songs began over thirty years ago at a women’s retreat. The teaching from Song of Songs, from the allegorical approach as Christ to the believer, changed my life. I internalized the immense love of Jesus gleaning a closer walk with God. May the Holy Spirit touch your heart as you journey with the Country Girl from Nowhere, while Christ pursues her and she Him in her dance of faith toward the Mountain of Spice.

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved
Get my new devotional: Song of Songs: The Search for Authentic Love
Great intro and explanation of the allegory. Best wishes for multiple sales to impact the world.
Thank you so much for the encouragement RJ Thesman.