March 9, 2025

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NKJV).

John 15 is one of the last times our Lord spoke to the disciples before he was crucified. And indeed, they are important words for Christians to live by.

Several years ago, my family and I planted a vineyard. Two and a half acres of table grapes that proved to be a very labor-intensive crop. But I enjoyed tending the vines and harvesting with the help of my two boys and husband.

The vineyard has deteriorated over the years from lack of nurture. Although it probably needs to be taken out, I’m reluctant. My time in the vineyard was a time of meditation as I worked. But circumstances made it difficult to continue and be profitable.

Perhaps reluctance to take the vines out stems from the deeply spiritual nature of the vines and viticulture and those last words spoken in John 15.

From the onset of the endeavor, beginning with planting, then pruning and harvesting, I asked God for a closer glimpse of John 15 and asked him to show and teach me what he wanted me to know about the vines, abiding and fruit bearing. Faithfully he did.

Much of what he gave me were whispers of truth during my writing time.

I hope you enjoy the lessons I learned and whispers God gave me.

God’s Whisper

Come, my Beloved. Abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branch. Apart from me you can do nothing. Your life and all you are depend on all that I am. The union is vital. Without surrender and abiding, death and destruction are certain. Trust me to provide life giving water, love and all nutrients needed to sustain you. As you hunger and thirst, my provision is sure. Constant and all consuming.

My life-giving sap flows into the tips of your branch, ensuring proper growth and maturity. The fruit you bear brings life and healing to those who eat of the harvest.

The mystery and intimacy of abiding unfolds between us as you surrender and trust me. Indeed, your ability to abide is provided by me as you rest.

Your joy is full, your cup runs over. All that I have is for you, my Beloved. My friend. Yes, the Lover of your soul.

Another publication 🙂 Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

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