Health care workers who are facing Covid-19 on a daily basis are living in an unimaginable reality. A friend sent me a video of a nurse after an endless twelve hour shift.
The nurse in tears. Alone in a hotel room. Exhausted. Isolated after a horrendous day of no breaks. Wearing hot, personal protective equipment that doesn’t breathe. Not enough staff. Not enough sleep. Surrounded by endless need, suffering and death.
Surrounded by a silent enemy waiting for the next victim.
Her human frailty exposed and raw. Stamped with anguish, unbelief and despair. Stressed beyond our imagination. She asks for compassion. Understanding.
Anxiety and fear looms large for those on the front line. Many people are anxious in their homes. We are all being affected by this crisis in one way or another.
We search for the antidote. Quick relief. When will help arrive? Will answers come soon enough? When will this puzzling plague see it’s end?
My own helplessness and grappling for words of comfort and hope.
The one hope my heart clings to in the Covid-19 crisis is the power of prayer. My hope rises in prayer. My heart can sing praise to My God who hears each plea.
Prayer is needed for these front line workers facing horrendous working conditions. They need prayer as never before.
You may be isolated at home for no other reason than to pray for this woman and each one like her.

God is bigger than Covid-19. He promises to be sufficient in all things.
Prayer for the Day
Father in heaven: we are weak, but you are strong. We come to you helpless in the face of Covid-19. I pray for each health care worker facing this enemy daily. Give them strength, courage, faith, special protection, and every other need they may have. Manifest you love, peace, presence and strength in this crisis. Give us this day our daily bread. Amen.
Scripture for the Day
“God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas,3 Though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling and tumult. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! 4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.” (Psalm 46:1-4 AMPC)
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