One of the blessings of the holiday is family and festive get togethers. A time to celebrate the goodness of God and all he has given us.
But what if the holiday is shrouded with grief? The loss of a loved one in any way from death or distance can steal the joy of the celebrations we normally enjoy.
Additional stressors like the Covid-19 pandemic precautions replete with travel restrictions can interfere. The threat increasing with crowds and close encounters of those we love.
Or maybe family has dwindled from death. Perhaps we are the elders now and our loved ones have gone to be with the Lord in paradise.
Sometimes the holiday lacks that infectious festive cheer that dazzles and prompts decoration, cooking, and comforting gluttony from all the good food.
Have you lost that this year?
Perhaps a return to the simple may help. Focus on the reason for the Thanksgiving season. Gratitude.
Let go of the hustle and bustle. Rest.
Start your gratitude list:
- God has blessed each of us in so many ways:
- We have the breath of life.
- The world around us is filled with awe-inspiring beauty.
- Wonderful memories of loved ones.
- God loves us boundlessly
- _________________________
May God manifest His love and grace to all.
Or start a new tradition.
Get my book: Gratitude Journal for Caregivers. It may be for caregivers, but anyone would benefit. 🙂
One friend told me that she has an online meeting with cousins. What a great idea. The suggestion sounded good to me and I plan incorporate this into my holiday season.
Yes, life is can be unfair. But God is greater. His blessings abound.
Ask God for an encouragement in your holiday blues. He is listening and always answers.
Scripture for Today
"Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
For His lovingkindness endures forever." (Psalm 136:3 AMP).
Prayer for Today
We come to you during this time of festivity. Thanksgiving. Please bless all those who are suffering from holiday blues for any reason. Manifest your love, joy and peace into hurting hearts. Perhaps there is an empty chair this year, and the holiday is tainted with grief. Fill hearts with your all encompassing presence and peace. Comfort them in their loss. In Jesus name, Amen.

Other publications:
Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity
© 2020 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved