Hi, everyone! My journey toward healing is underway following back surgery.
Since I have never had surgery, I did not know how long I would not feel like writing, or how long it would take to stand up by myself. Turns out it was longer than I anticipated.
My journey at this point includes standing, and walking at least two miles throughout my day. Then rest. Thankfully the sun is shining enabling me to walk outside and get some fresh air.
Backing up to the time previous to my surgery, I was anxious and apprehensive. One day a friend mentioned the song, His Eye is on the Sparrow written by Cevilla Martin, and set to music by Charles Gabriel.
Grateful for the graphic, visual image, my anxiety subsided. If God cares for the sparrows, how much more valuable am I.
Then another person said, God is powerful, trust Him with the results. Those two messages and all those prayers from faithful prayer warriors helped me let go of the fear and apprehension and replace it with faith in God who cares deeply about me.
My normal response of anxiety did not present itself the morning of surgery. Someone asked me how I was doing and I shared the phrase, “His eye is on the Sparrow and I know He watches over me”.
Then a precious preop nurse prayed for me prior to entering the surgical suit. More peace and calm.
My hospital stay was highlighted by seeing a friend who worked on the unit and other familiar faces, and of coarse my husband who is a patient and kind caregiver. After all, he read my book Coping Skills for Caregivers. But he would have been a good caregiver even without my instructional tips. 🙂
Are you facing some difficulties and challenges? Be reassured that God is caring for each need.
Scripture for Today
29Are not two little sparrows sold for a 2copper coin? And yet not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. 30 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered [for the Father is sovereign and has complete knowledge]. 31 So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:29-31 AMP).
God’s Whisper
Let the winter sunshine warm your shoulder and soul.
Trust Me in the days ahead when uncertainty clouds you thoughts. Trust Me for decisions that yet undecided. The answers you seek will come in due time.
Enjoy this day and do not look ahead. Pray and leave your requests at the foot of the cross.
Enjoy the warm sunshine and allow my spirit to energize and make you heart joyful.
Love, the Father

© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved
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